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<br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />OIU}JNANC(1~ NO. 2007 - <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6-1, TITLE 6 <br />OF THE SAN LEANDRO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO <br />NON-MOTORIZED VEHICLES AND PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES <br /> <br />The City Council ol'the City of'San Leandro docs ORDAIN as I'ollows: <br /> <br />Se<:lio!l1. <br />read as Jc)llows: <br /> <br />Section ()-1-430(a)(I) of the San Leandro Municipal Code is amended to <br /> <br />6-1-430(a) Residential Streets: <br /> <br />(l) No motor vehicle having more than two axles, or any single vehicle or <br />combination or' vehicles, which exceed twenty (20) feet in length, or any single vehicle or <br />combination of vehicles seven (7) feet or more in height, or any single vehicle or combination of <br />vehicles having ,I manul'acturer's gross vehicle weight rating oCten thousand (I O,(lOO) pounds or <br />more shall he parked or left standing upon any street in any Residence District as defined by <br />Calij~mlia Vehicle Code ~ 515 between the hours 01'2 :'1.111. and () a.rn. Emergency vehicles as <br />defined by California Vehicle Code ~ 165 arc exempt fh)m this provision. <br /> <br />Section 2. <br />---.. -,- <br />as I'ollows: <br /> <br />Section 6-1-430(e) of the San Leandro Municipal Code is amended to read <br /> <br />6-1-430(c) Non-Motorized Vehicles: Except as provided herein, no vehicle <br />other than a motor vehicle as defined by Cali Il.)rnia Vehicle Code section 415 shall be parked or <br />left standing upon any street in any Residence District as defined by CnliJc)rnia Vehicle Code <br />section 515, except: <br /> <br />(I) Non-motorized vehicles owned, operated, or controlled by the City, so <br />long as such non-motorized vehicles arc parked or lefl standing fCJr purposes reasonably related <br />to olTicial City business. <br /> <br />(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in tbis section, a fifth-wheel <br />travel trailer as defined in section 324 oCthe Cali/cn-nia Vehicle Code, a travel coach as defIned <br />in section 635 of the Cali/cJrtlia Vehicle Code, a vehicle designed Il.)r recreational pUll10ses to <br />carry persons or property on its own structure and so constructed as to be drawn by a motor <br />vehicle, or allY other trailer, whether attached or unattached to a motor vehicle, may be granted <br />an exemption by the City Manager to park in a Residence District, as derined by Calii-ornia <br />Vehicle Code section 515, under the same conditions applicable to motor vehicles as set forth in <br />subsection (a)(3), above. <br /> <br />Section 3. Article 4 of Chapter h-1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code is amended <br />to add Section ()-1-430(d) to read as Collows: <br /> <br />\)~~ 117 I <br />