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<br />Climate Protection Project <br /> <br />-Page 2 of 5 - <br /> <br />January 31, 2007 <br /> <br />methodology to reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollution emISSIOns. The 5-Milestones <br />Process follows: <br /> <br />Milestone 1- Conduct a baseline emissions inventory and forecast <br />Milestone 2 - Adopt an emissions reduction target <br />Milestone 3 - Develop a Climate Action Plan for reducing emissions <br />Milestone 4 - Implement policies and measures <br />Milestone 5 - Monitor and verify results <br /> <br />Mik<;tonGlnaseline..EmCssioJ1lnventoO~Jmd Forecast ReJ2Q!J <br />The purpose of the baseline emissions inventory is to determine the levels of greenhouse gas <br />emissions tbat the City of San Leandro emitted in its base year, 2005, on a municipal level and <br />on a community-wide level. The emissions inventory was completed by leLE! using software <br />which estimates emissions derived from energy consumption. The City of San Leandro Baseline <br />Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report has been completed and is attached for your <br />information. <br /> <br />Energy consumption data was collected from the following somces: Pacific Gas & Electric <br />(PG&E), Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Bay Area Air Quality Management <br />District (BAAQMD), BART,, Waste Management Inc., Alameda County <br />Industries, Inc. (ACI) and the US Environmental Protection Agency. The emissions inventory <br />includes all energy consumed within the city limits, even though the electricity was produced <br />(and emissions generated) elsewhere. <br /> <br />The emissions inventory is an important part or the planning process as it provides the City with <br />a baseline from which to measure growth or reductions in em issions and represents the first step <br />toward establishing an emissions trend. In order to meaningfully track the City's emissions <br />trend, it will be necessary to conduct subsequent emissions inventories on a regular basis. An <br />emissions inventory is recomrnendcd every three years. The inventory does, however, have <br />limitations due to the availability of data. Thus, it will be important to remember as decisions <br />and assessments are made about programs, that the baseline inventory is a tool. It is not an exact <br />measurement <br /> <br />M.ilestone 2- J\dolJtion qfanEmissions Reducti_on JargQ1 <br />The "ecological imperative" refers to a long teffil view of how much global greenhouse gas <br />emissions need to be reduced in order to avert an ecological crisis. Studies suggest that a global <br />reduction of anywhere from 60-80% is necessary to mitigate such a crisis. <br /> <br />In its First ^ssessment Report in 1990, for example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate <br />Change recognized the fact that humans were impacting the climate and outlined the reductions <br />that would be necessary in order to avoid a climate crisis: "We calculate with confidence <br />that:... C02 has been responsible for over half the enhanced greenhouse effect; long-lived gases <br />would require immediate reductions in emissions from human activities of over 60% to stabilize <br />their concentrations at today's levels..." <br /> <br />In February 2005, the Kyoto Treaty, the international agreement to address climate disruption, <br />