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<br />FY 2007-2008 Consolidated Action Plan <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />March 5, 2007 <br /> <br />Consolidated Plan documents to HUD on behalf of the entire Consortium. The City is the lead <br />agency for CDBG funds. <br /> <br />There are three major goals identified for the funds under the Housing and Community <br />Development Act and the National Affordable Housing Act from which the CDBG and HOME <br />Programs originated: <br /> <br />. Provide decent housing <br />. Provide a suitable living environment <br />. Expand economic opportunity <br /> <br />In addition, CDBG funds must be used to meet one of three national objectives: 1) benefit low- <br />and moderate-income persons, 2) aid in the prevention of slum and blight, or 3) meet an urgent <br />community need. HOME funds must be used specifically for housing opportunities for low- and <br />moderate-income persons. <br /> <br />For FY 2007-08, HUD has not determined its CDBG budget yet due to the Congressional <br />transition in November 2006. Therefore, the City is projecting a CDBG entitlement grant <br />amount of$755,414, which is the same as FY 2006-07. City staffproject $46,945 in unallocated <br />funds, which is a reduction of $131,613 from last year. City staff also project no program <br />income this year, compared to $2,627 last year. This reduction translates into $119,526 less for <br />Public Facilities and Improvements (18% decline). Also, a decline in estimated program income <br />in FY 2006-07 compared to previous years will result in $14,189 less for Public Services, which <br />is an 11 % decline from last year. To adjust for this budget shortfall while continuing to maintain <br />the City's commitment to CDBG-funded community services, staff recommends maintaining <br />and shifting funding for Recreation Links to the General Fund at the same level as in FY 2006- <br />07 (i.e., $20,738). CDBG support for the other programs would be maintained or slightly <br />increased. Once the CDBG allocation for FY2007-08 is determined, final adjustments will be <br />made, but staff expects that an overall reduction will be necessary mainly due to the sizable <br />reduction of un allocated funds and program income as mentioned above. <br /> <br />Citizen Participation Process <br /> <br />Federal regulations provide guidelines for the City to develop a citizen participation plan that <br />governs the process for detern1ining the Annual Action Plan. The goal of the Plan is to <br />encourage all citizens to participate in the planning and implementation of all programs. A <br />minimum of two public hearings are required with at least one hearing to be held before the draft <br />Annual Action Plan is published for comment. After the public hearing held tonight, a summary <br />of the draft Plan will be published in the newspaper and the Plan will be available for review at <br />publicly accessible locations such as the Main Library, City Hall and the City's web site. The <br />second public hearing will be held April 16, 2007, at which time the City Council will consider <br />approving the final Plan. As part of the Alameda County HOME Consortium, the proposed Plan <br />is included along with the Plans of other cities, which are also Consortium members, into one <br />document. The Alameda County Annual Action Plan is also made available for public comment <br />and considered at public hearings of the Board of Supervisors. <br />