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<br />committed to getting that procedure adopted as a Standard Instrument Departure (SID) <br />procedure and the Tower Chief has committed to keeping Tracon on task toward that SID <br />adoption. <br /> <br />The Aviation Stakeholders Committee continues to discuss the Port's intentions to develop <br />plans for an additional passenger terminal at the airport (see attachment). Full environmental <br />review would be required for such a project. <br /> <br />UPS has announced its intentions to move to the location currently occupied by the vacant <br />Oakland Maintenance Facility (formerly the United Airlines hangar). This new location would <br />suit its land-side operations better, and UPS would have to move its locations should the new <br />passenger terminal be built. UPS plans to raze the existing building and build a new facility <br />similar in size and function to their existing building. <br /> <br />Runway safety areas for all of the airport's runways have been evaluated by the FAA with the <br />finding that these areas need to be enlarged or enhanced. The safety areas are intended to <br />provide the planes with a buffer zone for safety at the ends of all runways. Committee <br />members asked for a full report on this matter at the next joint meeting with the Aviation <br />Committee. <br /> <br />Committee Recommendations <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />4. Discussion Regarding Agenda Items for April 2, 2007 Meeting with Port of Oakland <br />Aviation Committee <br /> <br />The Committee asked that the following items be included on the agenda for the April 2 <br />meeting. Staff will coordinate with Port Staff for that agenda. <br />. A report from the Port on the installation of the ILS on Runway 27L. <br />. A report from the Port on the Runway Safety Areas - what will be built where; will <br />wetlands be impacted? <br />. A report on what the Port knows about the NASA study regarding engine noise <br />reduction. <br />. San Leandro will make a report on the Doolittle Drive joint entryway project. <br /> <br />Committee Recommendations <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />5. Discussion Regarding Selection of Committee Chairperson <br /> <br />Committee Member Starosciak was appointed Chair ofthe Committee. <br /> <br />3 <br />