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<br />b) That Permittee understands that cooperation in implementing the <br />goals of the Port's ERDP involves considering Port ERDP referrals <br />consistent with relevant state and federal antidiscrimination <br />regulations seeking to ensure equal employment opportunity; and <br /> <br />c) That Permittee shall provide copies of all solicitations or <br />advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of Permittee <br />to the Port's Executive Director or his designee, so that the <br />Port may assist in providing Permittee with the names of <br />qualified unemployed and underemployed residents of Oakland and <br />others , including minorities, women, physically handicapped <br />persons, and veterans seeking such employment or training <br />opportunities through the Port's ERDP efforts. <br /> <br />9) Building Permits: Permittee shall establish to the reasonable <br />satisfaction of the Port, as a prerequisite to the issuance of a <br />permit from the Port for any building permit for the Premises, that <br />Permittee is in compliance with the Port's Non-Discrimination as <br />amended from time-to-time, with respect to such permit. <br /> <br />10) Successors: Each of the provisions, agreements, terms, covenants <br />and conditions herein contained to be performed, fulfilled, observed <br />and kept shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the <br />respective parties hereto, and the rights hereunder, and all rights, <br />privileges and benefits arising under this agreement and in favor of <br />ei ther party, shall be available in favor of the successors and <br />assigns thereof, respectively; provided no assignment by or through <br />Permi ttee in violation of the provisions of this Agreement shall <br />vest any rights in any such assignee or successor. <br /> <br />11) No Interest in Land Created: Permittee agrees that this <br />agreement is a license and not a lease and that no interest or <br />estate in real property, or improvements thereon, is created hereby. <br />Permittee agrees that, upon termination of this Agreement, all <br />Trail Improvements on Port premises shall be property of the Port of <br />Oakland, and shall be maintained according to the provisions of the <br />Maintenance Agreement. <br /> <br />12) Time of Essence: <br />of this agreement. <br /> <br />Time is expressly declared to be of the essence <br /> <br />13) Notice: Any notice required or permitted to be given <br />under this Agreement may be given to it by personal <br />United States mail, postage prepaid, as follows: <br /> <br />the parties <br />delivery or <br /> <br />To the Port: <br /> <br />Brandon J. Mark <br />Commercial Aviation Manager <br />Port of Oakland - Airport Properties <br />9532 Earhart Road, Suite 201 <br />Oakland, CA 94621 <br /> <br />oyster Bay Slough Trail Improvements <br />RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AND <br />INDEMNITY AGREEMENT <br />l02681.v6 <br /> <br />6 <br />