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<br />National Construction Rentals; PLN2006-001Ol <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />April 2, 2007 <br /> <br />Board/Commission Findinl!s <br />The Planning Commission reviewed this application on February 22, 2007 at a formal <br />public hearing. One resident, who happened to also be an employee of the applicant, and the <br />broker for the property owner spoke in support of the application. One Commissioner asked <br />whether the number of containers would be regulated, which staff responded to in the <br />affirmative. Another Commissioner indicated that the truck traffic associated with this <br />application would be minor compared to what was analyzed when the business park was <br />approved. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the modification to the <br />Planned Development, outdoor storage specific to the applicant's business, and site plan <br />review for the two new buildings (as conditioned). A draft excerpt of the meeting minutes <br />is attached. <br /> <br />Summarv of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The Planning Commission meeting for this project was noticed with a legal advertisement <br />in the Daily Review Newspaper, posting of the property on nearby utility poles, and <br />notification of property owners within the 300-foot radius from the subject property. In <br />addition, a courtesy notice was sent to the Davis West Neighborhood Group, the Mulford <br />Gardens Improvement Association, and the Marina Action Committee. <br /> <br />As of the date of this report, City staff has not received any comments on the application. <br /> <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Not applicable <br /> <br />Budl!et Authority <br />Not applicable <br /> <br />Attachments: <br /> <br />A. Vicinity Map <br />B. Applicant's Supporting Statement <br />C. Recommended Findings of Fact <br />D. Recommended Conditions of Approval <br />E. February 22,2007 Planning Commission Staff Report (without attachments) <br />F. Draft Excerpt of Minutes from February 22,2007 Planning Commission meeting <br />G. Minutes from February 8,2007 Business Development Subcommittee meeting <br />H. Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses of Bays ide Business Park (pLN2002-00031) <br />I. Conditions of Approval for PLN2002-00031 <br />J. Exhibit A - Proposed Rental Facility Site Plan <br />K. Exhibit B - Preliminary Landscape Plan <br />L. Exhibit C - Proposed Floor Plans <br />M. Exhibit D - Proposed Elevations <br />