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<br />March 20, 2007 <br /> <br />To the Marina Ad Hoc Committee: <br /> <br />Let's start with the premise that the Marina <br />not solve all the financial woes of San Leandro. <br />is not a cash cow to be milked for ~very dime, <br />regardless of the consequences. <br /> <br />will _ <br />It <br /> <br />The marina area is our "Claim to Fame". The <br />quality of life that we enjoy because of it is <br />invaluable. We must capitalize on its charm; it is <br />something that other ci~ies don't have. If some sort <br />of development is desired, how can it be achieved <br />without destroying the beauty that makes it unique. <br />Any develonment must be low-key, user-friendly, and <br />n18ced away from the shoreline. <br /> <br />Some nossibilities might be: <br />A nice family restaurant <br />A coffee shop for those enjoying the marina, but <br />n0t w~nting a large, fancy, time-consuming restaurant. <br />. A medium-size motel, with accompanying restaurant <br />which is something that the present Marina Inn does <br />not have. <br />. A bike shop - to rent, repair, or sell. Include <br />maps and information about bike trails and history. <br />. A boat/marine supp~y shop, including fishing tackle <br />and similar supplies. <br />. A convention center - but not on the grandiose <br />scale of Moscone Center. A developer doesn't have <br />to build the Taj Mahal to make a profit. <br />. The Sea Scouts recently acquired a 50-foot boat <br />which is berthed at the Marina. We need to encourage <br />that sort of activity. <br /> <br />Housing has been suggested. However, if housing <br />is allowed, it would change the entire atmosphere <br />of the marin<<.~~e marina stresses recreation, parti- <br />cipation ~~d enjoyment; NOT housing for an elite few. <br /> <br />Ye~ - the suacious lawns, the paths, the <br />"Oar course, the boats, the water, the views, the <br />in:iivirlu81 sl)litude - :these things are San Leandro's <br />C181m to Fame. 1,\'e must pre'?e:rve that -- for ourselves, <br />I)ur ch~ldrenr and our grandch~ldren. <br />We don'-r; get a second chance on openness. <br /> <br />Audrey Albers <br />