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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page 12 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-March 19, 2007 <br /> <br />obtain an agreement with the Port of Oakland, which resulted in $1.5 million for the <br />slough bridge project. <br /> <br />B. Reports on Conferences and Seminars <br /> <br />Councilmember Gregory reported on the National League of Cities Conference. He <br />complimented lobbyist Len Simon for his work in arranging meetings for the Council <br />with federal legislators. He reported on the conference sessions he attended on noise <br />and education, as well as a session with Senator Barbara Boxer. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant commented that she enjoyed attending the conference with new <br />Councilmembers Gregory and Souza, who brought positive energy and helped her see <br />things from a different perspective. She reported on a session on affordable housing, as <br />well as a general session which addressed transportation and available grants for an <br />"urban partnership program" at which the City may want to <br />pursue. Vice Mayor Grant also attended sessions with Senator Hillary Clinton and <br />George Stephanopoulos. <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza commented that it was beneficial for the City to have <br />representatives from the Council meet face-to-face with federal legislators to request <br />assistance. Councilmember Souza reported on sessions she attended on inclusive <br />communities, affordable housing and immigration. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos commented that he felt the four members of the Council and Assistant <br />City Manager Hollister lobbying together in Washington were very successful. He <br />noted that if the City meets the Department of Transportation deadline, it may have an <br />opportunity for a grant for the Davis Street overcrossing. He commented on the rising <br />rate of foreclosures nationwide, which was addressed at the conference. Mayor Santos <br />expressed appreciation for the hospitality by Councilmember Souza's family during the <br />Council's visit to Washington. <br /> <br />C. Reports on City Council Committees <br /> <br />1. Airport Committee Meeting of March 2, 2007. Accepted as submitted. <br /> <br />2. Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of February 28, 2007. <br />Accepted as submitted. <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Councilmember ProIa commented that he hopes San Leandro will pursue more green building <br />opportunities. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens asked if the Council's delegation to Washington was successful in <br />obtaining funding for dredging. He asked for consensus on looking into community <br />preservation standards for businesses, particularly signage, exteriors and other aesthetics. Mr. <br />