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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page 8 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-March 19, 2007 <br /> <br />8. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />Consent Calendar items are considered for approval by the City Council with one single <br />action. As described above in Item 7, Amendment of Consent Calendar, the City Council <br />may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of presentation or discussion. <br />Members of the public who have requested to address the Council regarding items remaining <br />on the Consent Calendar may do so for up to 3 minutes per item with a maximum of 5 <br />minutes for all items. Items listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been read by <br />title. <br /> <br />Items 8.E. and 8.G. were removed from the Consent Calendar to Item 9, Items Removed <br />from Consent Calendar. The remaining items on the Consent Calendar were approved <br />by the following vote: <br /> <br />M/S/C Stephens and Souza. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />A. Minutes of the Meeting of March 5,2007. Approved as submitted. <br /> <br />B. Minute Order No. 2007-037, Resolution Commending the Eden Area League of <br />Women Voters on Its 50th Anniversary (approves a ceremonial resolution of the City <br />Council). (1081) <br /> <br />The City Council approved the resolution commending the Eden Area League of <br />Women Voters on its 50th Anniversary. <br /> <br />C. Resolution No. 2007-003 RDA, Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City <br />of San Leandro Approving Reimbursement Agreement with the John Benjamin <br />Company for the Cost of Environmental Consulting Services for Property in the West <br />San LeandrolMacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area Commonly Known as <br />326-340 MacArthur Boulevard, Assessor's Parcel Numbers 079-0316-014-01 and 076- <br />1316-12-01 (provides for environmental testing at subject project). Cost: $40,000. <br />Funding: West San LeandrolMacArthur Redevelopment Project Area Fund. (3110) <br /> <br />D. Resolution No. 2007-004 RDA, Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City <br />of San Leandro Approving an Owner Participation Agreement (OP A) Between the San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Agency and White House Events, LLC for the Development of <br />Property in the West San LeandrolMacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area <br />Located at 599 MacArthur Boulevard, Assessor's Parcel Number 076-0326-009-01 <br />(provides for redevelopment of the subject property and a 10-year, forgivable, <br />commercial rehabilitation loan not to exceed $50,000 for exterior facade <br />improvements). Funding: West San LeandrolMacArthur Boulevard Project Area <br />Fund. (3110) <br /> <br />E. Resolution Approving a Contractual Services Agreement with Kennedy/Jenks <br />Consultants Related to Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Consolidated Plant <br />Record Drawings Set (provides engineering services to modify and consolidate the 1979 <br />WPCP record drawings set and to include a computerized database of drawings). Cost: <br />