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<br />East Bay Regional Communications System (EBRCS) 3 <br /> <br />April 12, 2007 <br /> <br />System Desi2n <br /> <br />A system design has been completed, the system will cover both counties from 31 sites <br />strategically located throughout the region, with an estimated infra structure cost of around $60 <br />million. The system will be a Project 25 compliant system providing interoperable <br />communications between all the agencies that subscribe to the system. Federal Homeland <br />security funding has been allocated over the past three years to begin to build out the system. <br />Significant progress has been made towards completing a digital microwave system linking sites <br />in both counties, purchase of the master site controller which will operate the system, and finally <br />the purchase of equipment to build out 10 of the proposed sites. We continue to work to secure <br />federal grants to support the build out of the infra structure and are very optimistic that we will <br />continue to receive support in the future. <br /> <br />System Governance <br /> <br />In order to manage the system, a governance model was created that will manage the overall <br />system implementation and operations while providing all users a voice in the management of <br />the system. There are several working models throughout the United States where large regional <br />areas have formed regional communication systems, with shared governance. A task force of <br />elected officials and public safety representatives from both counties has developed a governance <br />model, the East Bay Regional Communications System (EBRCS) joint powers authority which <br />consists of a board of directors of 23 members as listed below: <br /> <br />(2) Alameda/Contra Costa County Police Chiefs Assn. (1 to be selected by each Association) <br />(2) Alameda/Contra Costa County Fire Chiefs Assn. (1 to be selected by each Association) <br />(1) Special District (to be selected by the Association) <br />(1) Alameda County, County Administrator <br />(1) Contra Costa County, County Administrator <br />(1) Alameda County Sheriff <br />(1) Contra Costa County Sheriff <br />(4) Contra Costa County City Managers (to be selected by the Association) <br />(4) Alameda County City Managers (to be selected by the Association) <br />(2) Contra Costa County Elected Officials (to be selected by the Mayor's Conference) <br />(2) Alameda County Elected Officials (to be selected by the Mayor's Conference) <br />(1) Alameda County Board of Supervisors <br />(1) Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors <br /> <br />The Board will oversee the financial, technical, and operations of the two county <br />communications system. The Board will appoint technical and operational committees as <br />necessary to workout system implementation issues. <br />