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<br />12. No Waiver by the City. Final Acceptance. Inspection of the work and/or materials, or approval <br /> <br />of work and/or materials inspected, use of the work by the public as public right-of-way, or statement by any <br /> <br />officer, agent, or employee of the City indicating the work complies with the requirements of this <br /> <br />Agreement, shall not relieve the Subdivider from the obligation to fulfill the Agreement as prescribed <br /> <br />herein. Acceptance of any part or stage of said improvements shall not be [mal until a written notice of <br /> <br />acceptance of all the improvements shall have been delivered to Subdivider. <br /> <br />13. hnprovement Security. Concurrently with the execution hereof Subdivider shall furnish City: <br /> <br />(a) hnprovement security in the sum of THIRTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS <br /> <br />($32,000), which sum is equal to one hundred percent (100%), of the estimated cost of constructing the <br /> <br />"required improvements" and the cost of any other obligation to be performed by Subdivider hereunder, <br /> <br />securing the faithful performance of this Agreement. <br /> <br />14. Maintenance Security. Prior to initial acceptance of any of the work constructed hereunder or . <br /> <br />the release of any of the securities required under Paragraph 13., hereof, Subdivider shall furnish the City a <br /> <br />maintenance and repair security in a form acceptable to the City Engineer in the amount of THREE <br /> <br />THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($3,200.00) to guarantee that all areas to be improved are <br /> <br />free from defect for a period of one year after initial acceptance of entire work by the City. In the event <br /> <br />Subdivider fails, neglects or refuses to maintain and repair said areas, City is hereby authorized to expend <br /> <br />all or any portion of said deposit during construction and during the one year maintenance period to <br /> <br />accomplish the above. Upon notice by City and should it become necessary for City to utilize said deposit <br /> <br />to correct deficiencies, Subdivider shall pay sufficient monies to City to maintain this cash deposit at not <br /> <br />less than FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($400.00) until final inspection of all the improvements and [mal <br /> <br />acceptance of all public improvements. Any unexpended amount will be returned to the Subdivider at the <br /> <br />time all bonds and securities are released. <br /> <br />15. Hold Harmless Agreement. Subdivider hereby agrees to, and shall, hold City, its elective and <br /> <br />appointive boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees harmless from and against any or all loss, <br /> <br />liability, expense, claim, costs, suits, damages of every kind, nature and description directly or indirectly <br /> <br />PARCEL MAP 9401 <br />SUBDNISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT-public <br />G:'--LD\Jract Map & Parcel Map\Parcel Maps\PM 9401 - Callan Ave 101\SUBIMP.AGR-public.doc PAGE 5 OF 16 <br />