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<br />LETTER OF INTENT TO SUPPORT THE FORMATION OF <br />THE EAST BAY REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (EBRCS) <br />GOVERNED BY A <br />JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JP A) <br />FOR ALAMEDA AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTIES <br /> <br />Public Safety representatives from Alameda and Contra Costa Counties have been working to <br />evaluate the feasibility of developing a regional communications system to serve all jurisdictions in <br />both Counties. Through the assistance of the federally funded Urban Area Security Initiative <br />(USA!), a group of technical advisors from the Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance <br />Program (lCT AP) has been working to evaluate different alternatives to achieve the goal of <br />interoperability for the two counties. <br /> <br />It is clear from the work ICTAP has completed that the most cost effective and technically superior <br />solution for both counties is to construct a shared two county regional communications system. In <br />order to develop this system, a governance model must be created that will manage the overall <br />system implementation and operations while providing all users a voice in the management of the <br />system. There are several working models throughout the United States where large regional areas <br />have formed regional communication systems and where shared governance has been successful. <br /> <br />A task force of public safety representatives from both counties has developed a proposal that <br />creates the East Bay Regional Communications System (EBRCS), a joint powers authority (JP A) <br />with a board of directors with equal representation from both counties that will oversee the financial, <br />technical, and operations of the two county communications system. Presentations were made to <br />both Boards of Supervisors and Mayors conferences with unanimous support for the formation of the <br />IPA. <br /> <br />While it may be possible to fund a significant portion of the backbone of this system with federal <br />and state grants once the IP A is formed, it will also require ongoing financial contributions from all <br />involved agencies to maintain and replace system components. This responsibility will continue for <br />the life of the EBRCS. Therefore, a dedicated, reliable, funding stream must be identified and <br />collected, on a regular basis. <br /> <br />It is now time to gauge the level of interest and the willingness to participate from all local <br />jurisdictions within the two counties. The Task Force has established that the number of radios each <br />jurisdiction will operate on the system will be the method for allocating each jurisdictions share of <br />the infrastructure costs. The Task Force has also agreed that each jurisdiction will be responsible to <br />pay $100 per radio initially as a good faith sign of intent to join. This "Letter of Intent" does not <br />financially bind any jurisdiction beyond the good faith payment, but is necessary in order to begin to <br />develop phasing and cost models for system implementation. <br />