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<br />VI <br /> <br />Within 500 feet of the subject property, eight businesses have filed Hazardous Material Business <br />Plans (HMBPs); within Y4 mile of the site, an additional 13 businesses operate under a HMBP. <br />The City's industrial zones are designed to and do in fact accommodate materials and activities <br />that pose at least a potential hazard to human populations. The presence, and the potential future <br />presence, of hazardous materials and activities in the vicinity of the project site and the intended <br />assembly use, renders it inappropriate for rezoning with the Assembly Use Overlay. <br /> <br />VII <br /> <br />Denial of the requested rezone for the property does not place a substantial burden on the <br />religious exercise of the applicant, in that the applicant's existing site remains available for <br />assembly uses. Further, with the recent changes to the Zoning Code to establish an Assembly <br />Use Overlay district, 196 additional properties within the City will now be available for <br />consideration of a conditional use permit for assembly uses. The creation of the Assembly Use <br />Overlay creates added opportunities for assembly uses to locate, over what is currently <br />permitted. In addition, staff believes that denial of the rezone would advance the City's <br />compelling interest two-fold: in safeguarding the congregants from exposure to potentially <br />adverse health and safety impacts of surrounding industrial uses; and maintaining adherence to <br />the policies provided in the General Plan, which provided the basis for development of the <br />Assembly Use overlay criteria. <br /> <br />VIII <br /> <br />In recommending this denial, staff believes that there is no less restrictive means (i.e. no means <br />short of outright denial of the rezone) that would further the City's interest in safeguarding the <br />health and safety of the future congregants and the City's interests that led to formation of the <br />Assembly Use overlay. In support of this conclusion, it is anticipated that any future conditions <br />of approval that would be placed on a conditional use permit issued for the proposed assembly <br />use (last entitlement required if rezone is approved), would not effectively ensure the health and <br />safety of the congregants. For the formation of the Assembly Use overlay, the City cannot, by <br />some less restrictive alternative to denial, change the facts that make the property inconsistent <br />with the criteria formulated for establishment of the Assembly Use overlay designation. <br /> <br />ACTION <br /> <br />The Planning Commission denied PLN2006-00049 on April 12, 2007. <br /> <br />PLN2006-00049 Findings for Denial <br /> <br />Page 2 of2 <br />