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<br />East Bay Regional Communications System (EBRCS) 4 <br /> <br />April 12, 2007 <br /> <br />Financial Impacts <br /> <br />There are three components of cost that must be considered in order to participate in the system. <br />The build out of the infrastructure is expected to cost in the neighborhood of $60 million, <br />currently grant funds are funding elements of the build out. While grant funding has been <br />available it is not expected to cover the entire cost of the build out. It is expected that local <br />jurisdictions that participate will be responsible to pay a proportionate share of the remaining <br />build out costs. The second component is the cost associated with purchasing new radios to use <br />on the new system. Each jurisdiction will be responsible for the radios they plan to use on the <br />system. Every effort will be made to use the purchasing power of the EBRCS to obtain the <br />lowest possible price for the radios. Lastly there will be a cost associated with the maintenance, <br />technological upgrades and system reserve for the replacement ofthe system. <br /> <br />It has been agreed that the fairest way to allocate costs to each jurisdiction based on a <br />proportional share of the radios that each jurisdiction uses on the system. Each jurisdiction will <br />be responsible for a proportionate share of the infrastructure costs and an ongoing subscriber fee <br />will be charged for each radio used on the system. Subscriber pricing will be determined by the <br />Board of Directors, and adjusted ad necessary as new users come on to the system. It is also <br />anticipated that once the system is operational there will be opportunities to increase revenue by <br />attracting new users. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />In order for the EBRCS joint powers authority to judge the interest in the local communities in <br />the two counties the Task Force working on the formation of the joint powers authority has <br />requested that each jurisdiction's governing board take action to support the formation of the <br />EBRCS joint powers authority by supporting the following: <br /> <br />. Adhere to the EBRCS Task Force timeframes for presentation and consideration <br /> <br />. Support the proposed JP A structure <br /> <br />. Establish an accurate radio count <br /> <br />. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Letter of Intent and contribute a good faith <br />contribution of $1 00 per radio <br /> <br />. Provide a technical point of contact to work with operational committees on system <br />implementation issues. <br /> <br />It is expected that a second action by the City Council will be required for the City to join the <br />EBRCS. That action will be scheduled for a future meeting. <br />