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<br />Mercy Housing California, Islander Motel Project <br />June 6,2005 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />b. Mercy shall be allowed reasonable access (3 visits per month in accordance with <br />the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Agency and seller) to the Site for <br />the purpose of conducting its own physical inspection upon the submission of an <br />executed indemnification, hold harmless, and release of liability agreement in a <br />form satisfactory to the City Attorney. Mercy shall then coordinate a date and <br />time with the Agency to have Mercy staff perform a physical inspection of the <br />Site after the completion of the building needs assessment and structural analysis. <br />Mercy will notify the Agency at least 3 business days prior to its proposed <br />physical inspection date so the Agency can inform and receive approval from the <br />Site owner. Mercy will share the results of its physical inspection with the <br />Agency. <br /> <br />III. Property Management <br />a. No later than August 17, 2005, Mercy will prepare and submit to the Agency a <br />Property Management Plan that includes a description of 1) Mercy property <br />management staff to be assigned to the Site, 2) scope of work, including intake <br />and income verification procedures and addressing over-income or other <br />unqualified tenants, 3) one year operating budget, 4) financing plan for the one <br />year operating budget including Agency subsidy needed, and 5) initial supportive <br />service needs and coordination, including staffing plan, framework for <br />implementing services and identification of agencies that will provide needed <br />social services. <br /> <br />b. Mercy will provide the Agency copies of the form of the lease agreement and any <br />other related documents it proposes to use for tenants of the project as part of its <br />Property Management Plan submittal described above. <br /> <br />IV. Miscellaneous <br />a. Nothing in this letter shall be construed to obligate the City or the Agency to pay <br />for any expenses incurred by Mercy unless mutually agreed upon by the City and <br />Agency prior to such expenses being incurred. The Agency will pay for the <br />building needs assessment and structural analysis expenses as described under <br />Section Il(a) above. <br /> <br />b. It is the intention of the parties to negotiate a proposed PMA and ENA, and to <br />provide those agreements for consideration by the City Council and the Agency <br />Board at a joint meeting in September 2005. Nothing in this letter shall be <br />construed to obligate the City or the Agency to approve such proposed <br />agreements <br /> <br />c. This letter shall not be construed to be a binding obligation on the City or Agency <br />to approve any matter or grant any funding or entitlement for which a notice and <br />hearing or other legislative act is required. The City/Agency retains final <br />discretion and approval as to any and all proceedings and decisions in connection <br />