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Agmt 2005 Nebraska Mercy Services Corp
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2005 Nebraska Mercy Services Corp
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Last modified
5/10/2007 12:31:08 PM
Creation date
5/10/2007 12:31:04 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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RDA Reso 2005-020
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2005
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<br />ARTICLE IV COMPENSATION, BUDGETS, AND ACCOUNTS <br /> <br />4. Compensation. <br /> <br />4.1 (a) Other Fees. No construction management, supervision or <br />other fee will be paid to Manager by reason of the performance of any additional <br />services by Manager on behalf of Agency unless Agency and Manager expressly <br />agree otherwise in writing. <br /> <br />(b) Business Plan. Within 30 days following the Effective Date, <br />Manager will provide to Agency a forecast (the" Proposed Plan") reflecting (a) <br />an itemization of the estimated receipts, disbursements, operational expenditures <br />and capital expenditures for the ensuing calendar year, (b) a summary of the <br />proposed lease terms, including without limitation rent and utility charges, (c) a <br />copy of the proposed lease form, (d) a staffing plan for the Project indicating the <br />number of employees, the salaries and fringe benefits payable and a description <br />of the fidelity bond and workers compensation coverage maintained by Manager <br />for such employees, (e) a listing of service contracts executed or proposed to be <br />executed identifying the vendor, the services provided, the contract amount and <br />the term of the contract. The Proposed Plan will be submitted for review and <br />approval by the Agency, and Agency shall have the right to make any changes <br />thereto in Agency's reasonable discretion. <br /> <br />Following Agency approval, the Proposed Plan shall constitute the business plan <br />for the Project for the ensuing year ("Business Plan"), and Manager shall <br />manage and lease the project pursuant to such Business Plan. Manager will <br />provide an update to Agency on a quarterly basis reflecting any changed <br />information. Except in emergency, Manager will authorize no expense in the <br />leasing, operating, marketing or management of the Project in excess of the <br />amount allotted for such expense category pursuant to the Business Plan without <br />Agency's prior consent. The Agency and the Manager may agree for a particular <br />expense category on an amount that the Manager may exceed that amount <br />allotted for the category in the Business Plan without having to obtain the <br />Agency's prior consent. <br /> <br />(c) Operatinq Account. One such account shall be the "Operating <br />Account." Manager shall deposit into the Operating Account and hold in a <br />fiduciary capacity all monies furnished by Agency and all funds received from the <br />operation of the Project. The Manager will pay from the Operating Account all <br />amounts authorized by the Business Plan. Upon the commencement of the term <br />of this Agreement, Agency will provide to Manager an initial deposit in an amount <br />sufficient to pay the first 3 month's operating expenses of the Project. To the <br />extent the receipts of the Project are insufficient to pay operating expenses of the <br />Project as the same become due, the Agency will provide such funds as are <br />reasonably requested by the Manager by deposit to the Operating Account. <br /> <br />776633-4 Final <br />
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