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<br />Exhibit B <br /> <br />FORM OF PREDEVELOPMENT NOTE <br /> <br />PREDEVELOPMENT PROMISSORY NOTE <br /> <br />$727,000 <br /> <br />San Leandro, California <br />June 5. 2006 <br /> <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Mercy Housing California XXXIII, a California Limited <br />Partnership ("Borrower"), promises to pay to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of <br />San Leandro, a public body corporate and politic ("Agency"), in lawful money of the <br />United States of America, the principal sum of Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven <br />Thousand Dollars ($727,000) or so much thereof as may be advanced by Agency from <br />time to time pursuant to the Loan Agreement referred to below, in the manner provided <br />below. <br />This Predevelopment Promissory Note (this "Note") has been executed and <br />delivered pursuant to and in accordance with the Predevelopment Loan Agreement, <br />dated as of the date hereof, by and between Borrower and Agency (the "Loan <br />Agreement"), and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement. <br />Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such <br />terms in the Loan Agreement. <br /> <br />This Note is secured by an assignment of agreements, reports, plans, <br />specifications and approvals pursuant to that certain Assignment of Agreements, Plans <br />and Specifications dated as of the date hereof, executed in favor of Agency (the <br />"Assignment Agreement"). Agency shall be entitled to the benefits of the security <br />provided by the Assignment Agreement and shall have the right to enforce the <br />covenants and agreements contained in the Loan Agreement and the Assignment <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />2. PAYMENTS <br /> <br />1.1 MATURITY DATE. The entire principal balance outstanding under this <br />Note, together with interest accrued thereon (if any), shall be due and payable in one <br />lump sum on the earlier of (i) the date that the Property is conveyed to Borrower <br />pursuant to the DDA, or (ii) the second anniversary of the date of this Note (the <br />"Maturity Date"). Borrower acknowledges and agrees that (i) the sum of Twenty-Five <br />Thousand Dollars ($25,000) (the "Advance") has been disbursed prior to the date <br />hereof pursuant to that certain Third Amendment to Exclusive Negotiating Rights <br />Agreement by and between Agency and Mercy Housing California, a California <br />nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Mercy") dated as of March 1. 2006 (the "ENRA <br />Amendment"), and (ii) the amount of the Advance is included in the principal amount of <br /> <br />809163-1 <br /> <br />14 <br />