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<br />911 Revenue Program <br /> <br />- 2 - <br /> <br />May 15, 2007 <br /> <br />Cost Recovery Summary <br />The monthly 911 Fee revenue through March 2007 is $1,814,717, which represents 75.2% of the <br />revenue budget. At this rate, revenue FY 2006-07 revenues are projected to be more favorable <br />resulting in an overall increase in eligible line count from 97,937 to 101,310 and 2006-07 <br />activities also reflects expenditure savings. <br /> <br />In FY 2007-08, revenue is projected to increase by $30,729, or 1.2% over the prior year-end <br />projection. The 2007-08 projected revenue reflects a continuance of the current rate of 2.06 per <br />single access line against the current count of 10 1,310 eligible lines. Expenditures primarily <br />reflect an overall 11.7% increase in police operations and 1.7% increase in Fire Dispatch costs. <br /> <br />The following table compares the original 2006-07 Adopted Budget, the 2006-07 Year-End <br />Projection, and the 2007-08 Proposed Budget. <br /> <br />'...'.........---..---......-.......-..........-...."....."".......,....."........." <br /> <br />~~~~~!~:~~frY~~~"'.. <br />[~~~~gew~~'C17~E~jecie<f <br /> <br />FY 2006"()7 <br />Adopted <br />\1 <br />::::::::.::.j:;.... ........w.~U.~~.~~w.. <br /> <br />jis' ........w...~;~1(j;~(j(jT~. <br /> <br />i <br />. , <br /> <br />'Expenditures; <br />.......w~?if~~~ala.rY...&...Benefits . <br />Police SeNces <br />Police Supplies <br />Police Capital <br />"'PoiiceO\erhead' . <br />F'ireDispatch' <br />"!~t~lg~~~~~(!.~~~.. <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />".''',.-''''.''.'''r...'_''_,.__,......__,....__,,____..........___.., <br />1,731,869 ! <br />37,092 ! <br />....... ---......-.------...."....,.., <br />..7,~q9J <br />217,757 I <br />389;8581 <br />.. ". "'31S;102T" <br />2,702,478 $ <br />. .... . 96.6%1' <br />2,432;2301$ <br />.......(21;736)f.'.... <br /> <br />,: <br />:EligibieRecowryRatlo ................................ <br />! <br /> <br /> <br />FY 2006..()7 FY 2007..()S <br />I <br />Year-End ! Proposed <br />Projection: BUdget . <br />..:.(~~,.~esjr-"'^"':[.":.~'~:057'1'... <br /> <br />2,465,219 <br /> <br />""""'>"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,.,,,,,,,> <br />1 ,644,639 <br />36,549' i' <br />10,1 <br />217,757 <br />.' ,,",', ".w', "_"'~Y''''W''''~''''''''N'N..,_.,,~ _~ <br />389,858 <br />'3'1s, 162 'I <br />2,617,063 $ <br /> <br />..........h...."..rN....'....',...,., <br />90.0% <br />'2,355;357 $ <br />....'"81',057. <br /> <br /> <br />"?:'~~~,~8]': <br /> <br />.. '1,833;180" <br />48,092 ; <br />..!~~q9Jj <br />217,757 I <br />,. "~70,3:41T; <br />323, 453T, <br />2,900,526 ! <br />96:3o}~T1 <br />2,619,175 i <br />(42,17())i <br />-.,..,."".,....""...".."....., <br /> <br />Note: Since the May 1, 2007 Finance Committee review, overhead (indirect allocation) was adjusted to <br />reflect a more recent model calculation. <br /> <br />In summary, Staff recommends that the City Council approve the annual reporting of the 911 Fee <br />Revenue Program. Staff also recommends the continuance of the current fee rate of $2.06 per <br />single access line. <br /> <br />G:\911Fee\2007-08 FEE\911 fee-0708 Staffreport.DOC <br />