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8A Consent 2007 0604
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Packet 2007 0604
8A Consent 2007 0604
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6/1/2007 11:57:51 AM
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6/1/2007 11:57:48 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Draft Minutes
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<br />DRAFT MINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 7, 2007 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> <br />Diane Bagiies, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, urging the Council <br />to deny the Church's appeal. Ms. Bagiies commented that the Church bought the <br />Catalina property knowing that it was zoned for industrial use. She expressed concern <br />about taking land away Jrom industrial uses which provide jobs and contribute to the <br />City's tax base. Ms. Bagiies commented that the zoning change would set a precedent <br />that would prevent the denial of similar requests in the future. Ms. Bagiies commented <br />that a flyer which was disseminated in the neighborhood to gain support from the <br />neighbors for the Church's move was misleading and disingenuous. <br /> <br />Kathy Sanchez, Marina Gardens HOA, addressed the City Council, commenting on a <br />letter sent to the Council requesting denial of the appeal which she co-signed with Ed <br />Jaramillo of the Marina West HOA. Ms. Sanchez expressed concern regarding the <br />impact ofthe proposed church on Doolittle Drive traffic, the required parking which she <br />feels is inadequate for the number of church members, and the loss of tax revenue and <br />increased burden on the City's infrastructure and services. Ms. Sanchez commented on <br />a letter she recently received from Pastor Mortara in which he stated that, if the <br />Church's application was approved, he would keep his members from driving or <br />parking on Doolittle Drive. <br /> <br />Pastor Mortara addressed the issue of traffic on Doolittle Drive, commenting that the <br />bulk of the Church traffic would be directed onto Wicks Boulevard. <br /> <br />There being no further comments from the public, and without objection, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Councilmember ProIa, seconded by Councilmember Souza, to <br />deny the appeal. <br /> <br />Councilmember ProIa commented that Faith Fellowship bought the Catalina property <br />knowing that it was zoned for industrial use, and he expressed concern about taking <br />property out of the tax base. Councilmember ProIa noted that the presidents of all three <br />homeowners associations in the area have sent letters in opposition to the application. <br />He expressed concern that Wicks and Doolittle are already heavily impacted on <br />Wednesday evenings, and the Church's plan to hold a weekly Wednesday night <br />gathering for 400 people would have a direct negative effect on the neighborhood. <br />Councilmember ProIa expressed hope that the Church would choose one of the 196 <br />sites in San Leandro designated for assembly use. <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza thanked the members who attended the meeting to speak in <br />support of the Church. She stated that she believes Faith Fellowship does wonderful <br />things for San Leandro. <br /> <br />. Minute Order No. 2007-059, Motion Denying the Appeal by International <br />Church Foursquare Gospel, Applicant, and Upholding the Decision of the <br />
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