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<br />6.2.1 In case of a multiple-response incident (Le., where more than one FRALS <br />unit is sent to the same incident), only the response time of the first <br />arriving FRALS unit shall be counted. <br /> <br />6.2.2 The response time requirements shall be suspended during any declared <br />disaster in the County of Alameda, declared state of emergency within a <br />local jurisdiction, or during a declared disaster in a neighboring jurisdiction <br />which has requested assistance from the COUNTY and/or jurisdiction <br />within the County. <br /> <br />6.2.3 Good cause for an exception as determined by the Contract Administrator <br />may include, but is not limited to, substantially incorrect or inaccurate <br />dispatch information. The alleged grounds for exception must have been <br />a substantial factor in producing a particular excess response time, and <br />CONTRACTOR must have acted in good faith. Exemptions must be <br />documented in detail in the quarterly response time data report. <br /> <br />6.2.4 The response time requirement shall be suspended during the time <br />period of mutual aid re-deployment that occurs due to multiple first alarms, <br />or a greater alarm incident where mutual aid is required. Re-deployment <br />is the time period from the time of the request of mutual aid to the arrival <br />of mutual aid units within the jurisdiction. <br /> <br />6.2.5 The response time requirement shall be suspended for incidents on <br />freeways or interstate highways outside agencies jurisdictional <br />boundaries; when traffic congestion impedes response; or when unclear <br />or inaccurate dispatch information is given as to scene location. <br /> <br />6.2.6 Other circumstances require contractor to submit details in writing to the <br />Contract Administrator or his/her designee for consideration. <br /> <br />6.3 Exception Request Procedure - CONTRACTOR must file a response time <br />exemption with the quarterly report. Such requests must include all of the <br />following information: <br /> <br />6.3.1 a detailed description of the circumstances causing the response delay <br /> <br />6.3.2 date and time of the occurrence <br /> <br />6.3.3 dispatch agency name <br /> <br />6.3.4 FRALS unit number <br /> <br />6.3.5 originating location of responding FRALS unit <br /> <br />Page 6 of 17 <br />