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<br />. ~ <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br /> <br />Mayor Young and members of the City Council, <br /> <br />You have been aware of the concerns I've expressed about the negative fmancial <br />situation due to our contract with the Alameda County Fire Department. In the Finance <br />Committee and in session with the entire Council I have asked questions and given <br />opinions that express my frustration with our existing contract terms and yearly budget <br />increases. Earlier this month I spent time with the management of the Alameda County <br />Fire Department to better up.derstand our mutual responsibilities. The conclusion of that <br />meeting clarified my frustration. The Alameda County Fire Department has become a <br />public agency operating as a private monopoly with no accountability. Cost increases are <br />unchecked and will continue to grow out of control to the detriment of the City of San <br />Leandro. <br /> <br />It is time for us to do something. Until I spent the time researching this, I did not see the <br />extent of this problem. It is likely you are not aware of all of the contract terms that put <br />San Leandro in an egregious financial position. Here are some of the facts. <br /> <br />1. In the last 6 years, our fire contract has increased $5 M dollars, going from $10 M <br />in 2000 to $15M this year. That is almost $IM increase per year and a 50% <br />increase over 6 years. <br />2. Each year the City Council is approached with an increase, but we are given no <br />choice but to approve it. <br />3. Last fiscal year 05-06, in order to balance our budget, the Police department cut 8 <br />police officers to save over $1 M . In the same year the County Fire Department <br />asked for an $800k increase to their contract. The City Council pushed back <br />resulting in authorization of a $600k increase. But by the end of the year, the <br />actual overtime budget was predicted to come in: at $200k over budget, which is <br />why tJ;1is fiscal year 06-07 they received more than $900k as an increase to their <br />contract. <br />4. No matter what budget number is approved, the Alameda County Fire Department <br />can invoice and will receive more money. <br />5. Over the last 5 years, the Year End actuals have exceeded the budget amount on . <br />average of $162k per year. The way our contract is written, we have to pay and <br />then we have to go on to approve an increase to the contract for the next year. . <br />6. For each of these overages, while the City is informed, there is no process to <br />review and no process to refuse or reduce payments to overages of the contract. <br />These amounts are regularly in excess of our City Manager's signing authority, <br />yet the Council never reviews nor approves these contract changes. <br />7. As a regular process, the County Fire Department invoices in advance for <br />services. For example, we pay in February for services rendered in March. This <br />creates an ongoing $1 M in negative cash flow to the City Reserves. <br />8. The bargaining teams between the Firefighters and the County receive no input <br />from any of the member agencies. San Leandro, Dublin, and Lawrence Berkeley <br />