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<br />~.. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br /> <br />General Fund. It is a separate entity with their income and expenses independently <br />managed. So if the County Supervisors and the City of San Leandro have no controls, <br />then who does? There is no elected or appointed agency willing or able to provide <br />control to this budget. The County Fire Department has become a privately managed <br />monopoly off of public funds. And San Leandro has suffered long enough. <br /> <br />We receive services from the highest quality fIre department in the area, there is no doubt <br />about that. For our dollars, it had better be that good. However, it has come time to be <br />much more vigilant in how we spend our money. This sounds odd, coming from me, <br />since I've been pushing to spend more money for Cops and the Cherry Festival as <br />quality..of-life issues ever since the day I was elected. However, this is very different <br />The Alameda County Fire Department is an agency that acts like a Contractor when <br />budgeting time comes and they need more money. Then they act like a City Department <br />when their costs come in higher and they need more money. They cannot and should not <br />have it both ways. <br /> <br />Either they are part of our family and they celebrate with us and sacrifIce with us. Or <br />they are a contractor and will be treated as outsiders. <br /> <br />San Leandro has always been proud to be called a full-service City. Our employees go <br />above and beyond the usual service expectations to make San Leandro the great City that <br />it is. Our Firefighters have always been part of our family. They are heroes and they <br />deserve the best equipment, training and support our City can give. All of our employees <br />deserve the best resources we can give. None of them should be a pawn in the game of <br />monopoly. We need to focus our resources to give them ALL the best. We need to bring <br />the Fire Department back to the City of San Leandro. .. <br /> <br />Mayor Young, I would like to aSk you to follow-up on my discussions during our Finance <br />Committee meetings to research this further. I would like you to create a committee of <br />the Council to quickly review this matter and consider bringing the Fire Department back <br />into the City Family. At a minimum we should review the contract for this year's budget <br />cycle to create terms that are much more favorable to the City of San Leandro. I have a <br />list of 7 items for a committee to consider in that regard. <br /> <br />1) Our contract with this vendor should be reviewed for renewal every 5 years. <br />2) Our contract increases should be capped at a limit not to exceed CPI or other <br />inflation factor. <br />3) The maintenance of our Fire Equipment should be brought back in house. <br />4) Invoicing for services should be after services are rendered by the contractor. <br />S) The City Council should have line item veto power of budget items we feel are <br />not required for basic fire services. <br />6) Our City Manager should have a seat at the bargaining table. <br />7) There should be Formal Council approval when invoicing exceeds the annual <br />contract amount by more than the City Manager's signing authority. <br />