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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2007 0523
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City Council
Facilities & Transportation Committee
FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2007 0523
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Last modified
6/6/2007 4:00:53 PM
Creation date
6/1/2007 12:22:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2007 0604
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<br />Committee unanimously agreed that moving forward with 50/50 share IS the best <br />alternative for the Sidewalk Repair Program. <br /> <br />2. Discussion Regarding Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Improvements <br /> <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint Presentation regarding the Neighborhood Traffic <br />Calming Program improvements. Keith explained the background and the vision and <br />goals of the program. He explained that we now have a wider component of traffic <br />calming devices. In all cases Engineering and Transportation Department staff works <br />with the Fire Department so their response time is not unduly increased. Keith explained <br />the need to prioritize the streets of greatest concern due to limited funding and staff time. <br />He emphasized the need to pinpoint the areas that really need traffic claming most and <br />the importance of having an objective program. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued. The process of conducting neighborhood meetings and voting was <br />discussed. The process is time consuming, expensive and has a flawed neighborhood <br />voting method which is the weakness of the project. Mayor Santos asked if stop signs <br />would help versus using speed humps. Keith explained that stop signs need to be placed <br />where volumes are equal. If there is no opposing traffic, people start to run the stop <br />signs, and then you have accidents. Council Member Sousa believes that people will use <br />side streets to avoid stop signs, just as they would to avoid the speed bumps, and that <br />does not solve the problem. <br /> <br />The voting system was discussed at length. City is asking residents to say that yes, they <br />support the Traffic Calming measures or no, they don't. Many times the measures are <br />stopped because residents on neighboring streets protest. Uche Udemezue explained that <br />right now staff goes forward based on the people who vote. Votes are not tallied until at <br />least 50% of the properties in the study area have returned their ballots. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos suggested putting more police with radar out on the streets of great <br />concern. Keith Cooke explained that speed radar gets placed out on the streets and we <br />provide education for residents of the neighborhood, but still have a problem. <br /> <br />The Committee agreed that staff should leave the program as it is, however, implement a <br />composite voting system. This keeps the process relatively objective yet provides a fairer <br />voting process. The committee agreed that the proposed composite voting system should <br />be brought to the full Council. <br /> <br />3. Project Updates <br /> <br />· Bancroft Middle School Playfields <br />. Going along on schedule with the stripping of the site <br />. Received two calls complaining about early a.m. noise that turned out not to be <br />construction equipment but school district garbage pick up <br /> <br />· Doolittle Drive Entryway <br />· Notice to Proceed was given to contractor <br />· Will break ground in a couple of weeks <br />
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