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<br /> <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />SIDEWALK PROGRAM <br /> <br />ISSUE: <br />Street trees are causing sidewalk damage <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Section 5-2-230 of the municipal code states that whenever damage to the <br />public right of way is directly caused by the action of a street tree the City <br />may repair the right of way improvements exclusively or on any proportional <br />cost basis determined by the Director. <br /> <br />Title 5, Chapter 5 of the administrative code states that the City will bear 800/0 <br />of the cost of repairs of damage due to street trees <br /> <br />GOAL: <br />Protect and save trees while eliminating tripping hazards <br /> <br />POLICY: <br />Since fiscal year 2003-2004 the City has paid 800/0 of the cost of repairs of <br />damage caused by street trees. Prior to fiscal year 2003-2004 the City paid <br />500/0 of the cost of those same repairs. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION: <br />This fiscal year (2006-2007) we contributed 800/0 of the cost of replacing 8,330 <br />sf of sidewalk, and our budget wasn't sufficient to make all repairs requested. <br />If we had only contributed 500/0 we would have been able to replace 13,330 sf <br />with the same budget. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the City revert back to the previous policy of sharing <br />the cost of repairing street tree damage with property owners in the ratio of <br />1:1 (500/0 each). This will allow the City to participate in the repair of 600/0 <br />more work under a given budget. <br /> <br />Facilities committee 5/23/07 <br />