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<br />MINUTES Page 2 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 7,2007 <br /> <br />The City Council approved the resolution commending Dean Koenig for his <br />years of service on the Recreation and Parks Commission. <br /> <br />Dean Koenig accepted the resolution commending his years of service on the <br />Recreation and Parks Commission and thanked the City Council for the <br />opportunity to serve on the Commission. <br /> <br />. Minute Order No. 2007-057, Resolution Commending James R. Wohltmann for <br />His Years of Service on the Planning Commission. (1018) <br /> <br />The City Council approved the resolution commending James R <br />Wohltmann for his years of service on the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />M/S/C Starosciak and Proia. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />With the consensus ofthe City Council, Mayor Santos took Item 10.B. out of order. <br /> <br />1 O.B. Request from Councilmember Starosciak to Reconsider the Resolution Authorizing City <br />Manager to Sign a Letter of Intent to Support the Formation of the East Bay Regional <br />Communication System (EBRCS) Governed by a Joint Powers Authority (JP A) for Alameda <br />and Contra Costa Counties. <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak stated her reasons for requesting reconsideration of the resolution, <br />which was adopted by the City Council at its meeting on April 16, 2007. She indicated that <br />additional questions came to mind after the meeting, which prompted her to do further <br />research. During her research, she found that while interoperability is essential to San <br />Leandro's safety, there are questions about the EBRCS that should be asked before the Letter <br />of Intent is signed. Councilmember Starosciak stated that she has contacted a number of <br />agencies regarding their knowledge of the process. Councilmember Starosciak spoke with <br />Grace Koch from the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, who informed her that the <br />State OES had not heard of the EBRCS until last week. Councilmember Starosciak read from <br />a document provided to her by Ms. Koch entitled, "State of California Interoperability <br />Overview and Initial Assessment of the East Bay Regional Communications System." The <br />document posed several questions about the EBRCS. Councilmember Starosciak requested <br />that the Council reopen the issue to allow further discussion and review the questions posed <br />by the State OES. <br /> <br />Public Comments on Item 10.B.: <br /> <br />Rocky Medeiros, San Francisco Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative (Super UAS!), <br />addressed the City Council, stating that the Super VASI is a regional homeland security grant <br />program charged with program development and implementation for the entire San Francisco <br />Bay Region. Mr. Medeiros commented that, prior to his work with the Super VASI, he <br />worked in collaboration with Alameda and Contra Costa Counties to develop the EBRCS <br />interoperability model and worked hand-in-hand with the State OES. Mr. Medeiros stressed <br />