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<br />MINUTES Page 4 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 7, 2007 <br /> <br />two-county group could not raise sufficient funding or garner sufficient support for the <br />system. <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza commented that there is a group comprised of 10 counties working <br />toward interoperability, and she expressed preference for joining a 10-county system rather <br />than a two-county system. She noted that there was no feedback from the State OES on the <br />March 2006 presentation on EBRCS. Councilmember Souza asked whether the JP A could be <br />formed without the support of Oakland, and if there have been bids on the radios other than <br />by Motorola. She commented that the EBRCS Task Force is unaware of the work of the <br />committees formed by the State OES to address interoperability. She expressed concern that <br />the JP A would bypass the State and apply for funding directly from the federal government <br />and the message that would send to our State legislators. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Motion to Reconsider Resolution No. 2007-059. <br /> <br />(3115) <br /> <br />A motion to reconsider Resolution No. 2007-059 failed by a vote of 2 to 5. <br /> <br />MIS Starosciak and Souza. Ayes: 2; Noes: 5 (Gregory, Grant, Proia, Stephens, <br />Santos) <br /> <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />Public Hearing Comments are limited to 5 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. When you address the City Council, you should fIll out a speaker card and submit it <br />to the City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official record of names <br />and addresses obtained. <br /> <br />A. Matter of PLN2006-00104, Planned Development, Zoning Map Amendment, and <br />Vesting Tentative Map; to rezone the properties at 311-335 MacArthur <br />Boulevard/Herma Court from CC Commercial Community and RS Residential Single- <br />Family Districts to CC (PD) and RS(PD), respectively. The project is a proposed <br />residential development with 23 townhouses at the comer of MacArthur Boulevard and <br />Herma Court. Proposed amenities include a private roadway, an internal park area, <br />attached one- and two-car garages, and six guest parking spaces on the site. The site is <br />zoned CC Commercial Community District and RS Residential Single-Family. <br />Assessor's Parcel Numbers 76-311-1-1, 76-311-1-3, 76-311-3, 76-311-4, and 76-311-5; <br />311-335 MacArthur Boulevard/Herma Court; Ruffm Architecture (Applicant); <br />Settlemeir Properties (Property Owner). <br /> <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City Manager <br />J ermanis gave background on the matter and introduced Community Development <br />Director Hanson Horn. Mr. Horn stated that the planned development process is not an <br />arbitrary process. He described the process for applying zoning standards in evaluating <br />a planned development application. Key considerations are made by staff, including <br />conformance with General Plan goals and policies; recent development trends; key <br />