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<br />MINUTES Page 8 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 7, 2007 <br /> <br />commented that he feels this project is a good one and would improve the <br />neighborhood, make it safer, attract new business, and improve the vitality of the area. <br /> <br />Councilmember Gregory commented that he favors the project as it brings more <br />housing into the City and supports the principles of transit-oriented development. He <br />commented that he feels the parking issues could be mitigated. Councilmember <br />Gregory stated that, if it is true that the changes to the project were not communicated to <br />the neighborhood associations, he would favor delaying the decision. <br /> <br />Councilmember Gregory left the meeting at 9: 10 p.m. <br /> <br />Applicant Settlemeir responded to the public comments, indicating that there would be a <br />decrease in the number of vehicle trips generated by the project due to the elimination of <br />the commercial aspect. Mr. Settlemeir noted that the project is the same size as what <br />was previously approved, but there are more and smaller units. Mr. Settlemeir disputed <br />the notion that the project would be "big grey boxes," and he pointed out the <br />architectural features of the proposed project. He acknowledged that he did not do an <br />adequate job of gaining community support for the project; however, he stated that the <br />local businesses and many local residents do support it. Mr. Settlemeir commented that <br />over the past week, a negative email campaign was waged against the project. He <br />remarked that the opposition by the neighbors is purely a NIMBY reaction. <br /> <br />Architect Ruffin addressed the concerns about the fences near the property line, the <br />setback on MacArthur and the "looming" of the buildings over neighboring residences. <br />He noted that, while the buildings will be taller than what is currently there, they will be <br />primarily on the MacArthur side. Mr. Ruffin stated willingness to consider reducing the <br />Henna Court duplexes from three stories to two. <br /> <br />The applicant and architect responded to questions from the Council regarding the front <br />walls; the orientation, setbacks and driveways of the homes on Henna Court; meetings <br />the applicant held with the BNA and whether they have seen the new project <br />configuration; the project footprint; the owner of the narrow lot and the possible land <br />swap; neighborhood meetings held at Stepping Stones; and the number of inclusionary <br />housing units required for this project. <br /> <br />There being no further comments from the public, and without objection, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant acknowledged staffs good work on the project. She stated that she <br />supports additional housing in the area and complimented the architecture of the project. <br />Vice Mayor Grant commented that she feels the project is too dense for the community <br />and the parking ratio is insufficient. She indicated that she was neither in favor of the <br />increased floor area ratio, nor of the setback variances. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos pointed out that this project is supposed to generate fewer vehicle trips <br />and require less parking than if it had a commercial component. He commented on the <br />changing times and the need for higher density projects to meet the demand for housing. <br />