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<br />MINUTES Page 9 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 21, 2007 <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak reported that the issue of opening 1-580 in Oakland to truck <br />traffic is not on the upcoming Congestion Management Agency meeting agenda. She <br />commented that the Chair of the CMA has directed staff to meet with Senator Corbett. <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak reported that she received an email from the League of <br />California Cities regarding an eminent domain reform measure that will be presented by <br />the California League of Homeowners to the Legislature for placement on the ballot. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos reported that he would be attending an ACTIA meeting this Thursday. <br /> <br />B. Reports on Conferences and Seminars <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak reported on the League's Legislative Action Days. She <br />commented on a memo to the Council from Assistant City Manager Steve Hollister <br />regarding the League's positions on various issues. Councilmember Starosciak noted <br />that San Leandro was able to have individual lobbying time with Assemblymember <br />Hayashi and Senator Corbett. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos also attended Legislative Action Days, and reported on his discussion <br />with Assemblymember Loni Hancock on affordable housing and high density <br />development around transportation corridors. Assemblymember Hancock indicated to <br />him that Prop 1 C funding may be available for transit-oriented development projects. <br />Mr. Hollister commented that Assemblymember Hancock expressed support for TOD <br />and infill housing. <br /> <br />C. Reports on City Council Committees <br /> <br />1. Airport Committee Meeting of May 4, 2007. Accepted as submitted. <br /> <br />2. Finance Committee Meeting of May 1, 2007. Accepted with correction. <br /> <br />Recommendation for City Council Consideration: <br /> <br />a. Schedule discussion of proposed Living Wage Ordinance. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant reported that the Committee has come to agreement on <br />the points for consideration on the ordinance. The ordinance now needs to <br />come before the full Council for further discussion and consideration. Vice <br />Mayor Grant noted the items listed on page 2 of the May 1, 2007 Finance <br />Committee Highlights which the Committee felt should be included in the <br />Council's discussion. Mr. Jermanis indicated that staff will bring an outline <br />of the proposed ordinance to the Council on June 4 for discussion. Mr. <br />Hollister commented that staff will try to meet with representatives from the <br />Central Labor Council (CLC) and at least one manager from the businesses <br />at the Marina. <br />