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<br />Section 3-8 of the Fire and Emergency Response Services Agreement provides, <br />"One member of each company on each shift shall be a licensed paramedic." Pursuant to <br />the FPEMS Agreement, ACFD presently operates seven (7) vehicles, each of which is <br />staffed with one (1) paramedic whose training satisfies the requirements of the FRALS <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />City and ACFD hereby agree that ACFD will continue to staff all vehicles with at <br />least one (1) paramedic each, and that the paramedics on each vehicle will continue to <br />satisfy the certification and accreditation requirements of the FRALS Agreement. <br /> <br />RESPONSE TIME <br /> <br />Section 6.1 of the FRALS Agreement requires the City, in responding to requests <br />for code 3 medical assistance that originate within the City's Primary Service Area, to <br />place a FRALS unit on the scene within eight (8) minutes of receiving the call at least <br />ninety percent (90%) of the time. <br /> <br />Section 3-D of the Fire and Emergency Response Services Agreement states that <br />ACFD's first due company shall respond to at least ninety percent (90%) of all emergency <br />incidents within five (5) minutes or less. Historically, ACFD response time under the <br />FPEMS Agreement has been measured from the time the first due unit is dispatched. <br /> <br />City and ACFD hereby agree that "emergency incident", as that term is used in the <br />Fire Protection Agreement, includes all Code 3 emergencies, as defined in section 3.14 <br />and use in section 6 of the FRALS Agreement. City and ACFD further agree that ACFD <br />will continue to comply with the response time standards established in the Fire Protection <br />Agreement, meaning that ACFD shall respond to at least ninety percent (90%) of all <br />emergency incidents within five (5) minutes of being dispatched. However, ACFD shall <br />also comply with all aspects of the response time standards in the FRALS Agreement over <br />which ACFD exercises control. <br /> <br />RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING <br /> <br />Section 13.1 of the FRALS Agreement requires City, within fifteen (15) days <br />following the end of each quarter, to report to the county in writing, using fractile response <br />time method, each emergency call dispatched that did not meet the response time <br />requirement and each failure to report on~scene time properly. It further requires the City <br />to identify the causes of any performance failures and to document efforts to eliminate <br />such problems. City and ACFD agree that ACFD will fulfill City's reporting requirements <br />under FRALS Agreement, sending a copy of each such report to the City at the same time <br />that ACFD sends one to the County. <br /> <br />Section 13.2 of the FRALS Agreement requires City to use the County's "Patient <br />Care Report" (PCR) system for all assignment including patient contact and non~transport. <br />