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<br />AGRJJ.:\1F1\'T A:'ID LI~SE <br /> <br />(Not to be recorded) <br /> <br />THIS AGREE\IENT made and entered into this 19th day of April <br />19 82, by and between TIIE ClTI OF SA..:'l' LEA:-IDRD, an incorporated California rm.micipality <br />organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, hereinafter called <br />"CITY" and EAST BAY REGIO~AL PARK DISTRlcr, a public corporation organized and existing <br />under the laws of the State of California, hereinafter called "PARK". <br /> <br />WIT N E SSE T H: <br /> <br />TP~4T CITI, for a good and valuable consideration and in further consideration of <br />the faithful performance and observance by PARK of all of the covenants and agreements <br />herein contained, does hereby give, subject to all of the terms and conditions hereof <br />of a trail for the passage of pedestrians, equestrians, and bicycles, together with <br />the necessary appurtenances thereto, all hereinafter referred to as the "TRAIL," with- <br />in the boundaries of that certain real property situated in the City of San Leandro <br />County of Alameda, State of California, as shown outlined in red on the drawing marked <br />Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> <br />THE LICENSE aoove mentioned is granted by CI'IY and accepted by PARK upon the <br />following ternE and conditions and PARK does hereby covenant with CITY as follo~s: <br /> <br />1. Title to Property. PARK hereby acknowledges the title of CITY in and to the <br />real property above described and agrees never to assail or to resist said title. <br /> <br />2. Term of License. Unless suspended or partially revoked as hereinafter set <br />forth, this license to construct, operate, and maintain a trail to be used by the <br />general public shall terminate twenty-five (25) years from the date hereof. By <br />mutual consent of the parties hereto, it may be extended for anaddi tional twenty- <br />five (25) year term. . <br /> <br />3. Maintenance and Jurisdiction. <br /> <br />a. Upon completion of any of its Works hereunder, PARK shall maintain said <br />property in a clean and presentable condition, free from waste, and, if PARK fails <br />to keep said property, then CI'IY shall provide PARK notice of the area of violation <br />and PARK shall have thirty (30) days to correct the violation. If any dispute shall <br />develop concerning PARK'S alledged failure to properly maintain the trail, such <br />dispute shall be subrrcitted to arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration <br />Association. If PARK shall either: 1) choose not to request arbitration; or <br />2) following an arbitration decision that additional maintenance is required and <br />fails to undertake such maintenance for a period of thirty (30) days, then, in either <br />event, CITI may perform the necessary \l,Qrk at the expense of PARK, which PARK agrees <br />to pay CITY upon demand. <br /> <br />b. PARK shall have the primary recreational jurisdiction and regulatory <br />responsibility of the trail when cornplete,d and dedicated to public trail use. 'The <br />PARK and CITI further af:,TTee not to construct or opeT'ate facilities or pennit uses <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />, (,- <br />