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<br />AGREDIE=',"I' & LICENSE (continued) <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />thereof, or fails to use the property for one (1) year for the purposes for which <br />this license is hereby granted, then all rights of PARK in and to said real prop- <br />erty or such portions thereof so abandoned or not so used shall thereupon cease <br />and terminate and title thereto shall immediately revert to ill1d vest in CITY. <br />Upon any tennination of the rights of PARKS here1IDder, PARK shall at PARK'S ex- <br />pense, promptly upon request by CITY so to do, remove the trail from said real <br />property. <br /> <br />10. NOTlJYX)torized Use. The rights herein given are for the use of pedestrians, <br />equestrians, and bicycles only and no type of motor-driven vehicle shall be permitted <br />on the trail, except those of the PARK being used for maintenance, patrol, or public <br />safety purposes. PARK shall install such barricades as are necessary to discourage <br />unauthori~d access to JlX)tor-driven vehicles and shall post signs at points of entry <br />to the trail that such vehicles are prohibited. PARK shall provide such patrol <br />service as is necessary to prevent 1IDauthorized use of the trail. Its failure so <br />to do shall be a breach of this license. <br /> <br />11. Priority of License. It is 1IDderstood that this document contains the entire <br />agreement between the parties hereto and all prior understandings or agreenents, oral <br />or written, of whatsoever nature regarding the license hereby given are superseded <br />by this agreement and are hereby abrogated and nullified. <br /> <br />12. Capital Improvements. <br /> <br />a. PAIU{ may perfonn grading work, install culverts and/or small' bridges for <br />~he crossing of drainages and PARK at a future time 'Nill install a paved patmvay.on the <br />strip of land covered by this license. <br /> <br />b. Prior to the comnencenent of any of the \\ark hereinabove mentioned, <br />PARK shall present its construction plans therefore to CITY for its review and <br />written approval. CITY shall have thirty (30) days for said review and written <br />approval. <br /> <br />c. During construction of the trail area as provided herein, PARK may <br />reasonably encroach upon adjacent lands of CITY for related construction activities <br />such as grading and benD construction. <br /> <br />13. ,Public Safety. PARK agrees to devote the same standard and level of public <br />safety patrol and use to the regional trail within the license area as it is able to <br />and does from time to time devote to its other regional recreation trails throughout <br />its District. CITY agrees to devote the same degree of public safety patrol and <br />attention to the regional trail as described in this agreement as is provided to <br />other public areas within the jurisdiction of CITY. The public safety of CITY and <br />PARK will operate a close liaison to coordinate their activities on the Subject <br />property. <br /> <br />14. Signing. PARK shall install signs acknowledging CITY'S cooperation <br />in providing the trail and appropriate infonnational and warning signs. PARK shall <br />also install appropriate signs designating perrrUttedtrail uses by the general public <br />regulations governing such uses, and specifically prohibiting operation of unauthorized <br />!TOtor vehicles. <br /> <br />r <br />