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<br />- <br /> <br />DISTRICT and CITY acknowledge that Education Code Section 45125.1 <br />applies to services under the ASES PROGRAM. Section 45125.1 requires <br />that employees of entities providing such services to school districts must <br />be fingerprinted by the California Department of Justice for a criminal <br />records check. <br />1.2.1 CITY expressly acknowledges that: <br /> CITY and all of CITY'S employees and contractors <br />working on the school site must submit fingerprints in a <br />manner authorized by the Department of Justice, <br />together with the requisite fees as set forth in Education <br />Code Section 45125.1; <br /> CITY shall not permit any employee or contractor to <br />come in contact with students until the Department of <br />Justice has ascertained that the employee or contractor <br />has not been convicted of a serious or violent felony; <br /> CITY shall certify in writing to the DISTRICT that none of <br />its employees or contractors who may come in contact <br />with students have been convicted of a serious or violent <br />felony; <br /> CITY shall provide to DISTRICT a list of names of its <br />employees who may come in contact with students. The <br />CITY shall fulfill these requirements at its own expense <br />as an in-kind service. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />1.3 Specific Employee Issues: CITY Personnel Policies and Practices will not <br />apply to DISTRICT staff under this MOD. Policies regarding terms of <br />employment will be incorporated in a contract with each employee, <br />which will specify holidays, salaried or hourly compensation, and days <br />of work to conform to site-specific requirements for each school site. <br /> <br />-2 <br /> <br />1.4 Employee Evaluation: The DISTRICT will evaluate the District <br />Coordinator and any teachers serving as Academic Coordinators or <br />tutors. The District Coordinator and Site Administrators will advise the <br />CITY regarding the day-to-day performance of the program when <br />necessary. The CITY will be responsible for and shall implement all <br />procedures involving employee evaluation, compensation decisions and <br />disciplinary actions for the Program Supervisor, Site Coordinators as <br />well as other CITY employees, with the advice of the DISTRICT. Such <br />evaluations shall occur at the end of each staff member's program cycle <br />and at least annually thereafter. The evaluation shall be in writing and <br />shall be in such form as the CITY shall reasonably direct in accordance <br />with its personnel practices. The CITY should make copies of the <br />evaluation and other documents and/ or findings available to the <br />DISTRICT for the sole purpose of, and only in the event that both <br />parties agree to make a personnel change at a site. <br /> <br />Program Support from the DISTRICT: <br />