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<br />INTRODliCTION <br /> <br />The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance to employees using the City's <br />centralized purchasing function. This handbook spells out requirements detailed in the <br />Municipal Code and practices established for fiscal control. It is hoped this document clearly <br />delineates the responsibilities of all parties in the purchasing process. These procedures serve <br />several goals <br /> <br />1. Provide the maximum practical service level to City departments and employees, <br /> <br />2. Achieve cost savings, efficiency and other benefits of the centralized purchasing <br /> <br />concept, <br /> <br />3. Maintain adequate fiscal control of City resources, and <br /> <br />4. Provlde fair and equal access for vendors interested in fumishing the City goods, <br />supplies and services. <br /> <br />CENTRALIZED PURCHASING <br /> <br />Centralized purchasing is a system wherein authorized purchase of goods and services needed by <br />divisions of an organization is the responsibility of a single designated unit. In this City, the <br />majority of the purchases are made by the Purchasing Office, a unit of the Finance Department. <br />However, all departments are delegated some purchasing duties Therefore, the clear delineation <br />ofresponsibilities and procedures benefits everyone in the acquisition process. <br /> <br />The centralized purchasing function promotes the following benefits: <br /> <br />1. An organizational unit responsible for accountability both to the Municipal Code and <br />independents auditors, oversight for preparation of specifications, obtaining bids and <br />quotes, maintaining records of purchases, and follow up with vendors. <br />2. Consolidations of purchases of times for various departments, <br />3. Review and monitoring to ensure that all legal requirements are met, <br />4. Dissemination of information on new products, services and procedures to the appropriate <br />users, and <br />5 Buying techniques improved by using personnel uniquely informed on supply sources, <br />prices, past purchasing records and other pertinent purchasing information. <br /> <br />This handbook is not an all-encompassing manual of purchasing policies, Municipal Code <br />requirements of Govenunent and Contract Law provisions. Rather this guide is intended to aid <br />City employees in understanding the City's purchasing practices and simplify their role in this <br />process. Please feel encouraged to contact the Purchasing Office for more detailed information <br />or assistance. <br />