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<br />PURCHASING PROCESSES <br /> <br />Departments can obtain necessary material, equipment and services through any of the following: <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Requisition, <br />Established blanket purchase order, or <br />Reimbursement and petty cash. <br /> <br />J <br />L. . <br /> <br />" <br />:1. <br /> <br />REQUISITIONS <br /> <br />A requisition is submitted to inform the Purchasing Office of a department's need for material, <br />equipment or service. Requisitions also request check payments for class registrations, <br />memberships, payment to some select service providers and employee reimbursements (except <br />conferences and travel) <br /> <br />A majority of purchases can be completed through an informal quote process and placement of <br />an order However, purchases exceeding $25,000 require a formal bid, resulting in a more <br />complex purchase. Formal bid purchases involve obtaining and reviewing specifications, <br />determining insurance requirements and licenses, organizing pre-bid conferences, establishing a <br />bid closing date, f0TI11ally advertising the bid and notifying prospective bidders of the <br />opportunity to bid. <br /> <br />A contractor is not authorized to perf0TI11 any service nor incur any cost related to the City until a <br />purchase order has been received from the Purchasing Office. The purchase order formalizes the <br />purchase transaction with a vendor, since acceptance of the document constitutes a contract <br />between the parties. <br /> <br />Requisitions must also be submitted for professional service agreements, even those approved by <br />either the City Counci 1 or the City Manager. The Purchasing Office issues purchase orders for <br />each approved agreement. <br /> <br />Separate requisitions are required for each class registration, members, selected service providers <br />(e.g. legal and medical services) and employee reimbursements. These requisitions are <br />immediately routed within the Purchasing Office to Accounts Payable, for payment generally <br />within seven days of receipt. <br /> <br />BLAJ"fKET PURCHASE ORDERS <br /> <br />A blanket purchase order is generally an incomplete contract with a given vendor to purchase <br />items or serves from the vendor. These purchase orders are incomplete in that no specific item is <br />ordered when the contracts are issued. Only when the specified vendor receives bonafide verbal <br />or written shippmg instmctions or a release, in person or by phone does an actual purchase <br />