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<br />become effective Blanket purchase orders can be viewed essentially as charge accounts with <br />vendors <br /> <br />Blanket orders are also used for annual agreements such as equipment maintenance, leases and <br />other ongoing contractual arrangements. These orders are established at departments' requests <br />effecti ve July 1 for each fiscal year. <br /> <br />Employees using a blanket purchase order should be familiar with its terms and conditions A <br />listing of all current blanket purchase orders is available from the Purchasing Office. This list <br />also contains copies of the most widely used blanket orders. Copies of other blanket orders are <br />distributed to the requesting department. <br /> <br />Each blanket purchase order states the tenns, conditions and any limitations for the vendor's <br />account Specific products or services may be covered, individual purchase amounts may be <br />restricted, and every blanket purchase order has an established maximum expenditure for the <br />duration of each fiscal year. Orders outside the parameters of the blanket account require either <br />Purchasing Office approval or submittal of a specific requisition. <br /> <br />I1\fMEDIATE PURCHASE ORDER NUMBERS <br /> <br />Purchase order numbers may be obtained from the Purchasing Office when time does not permit <br />the usual requisition process. A department may request such a number, provide it to the vendor, <br />and then proceed to order necessary parts, equipment or services. In no case shall any order be <br />placed without obtaining a purchase order number, except for emergencies which occur outside <br />Purchasing Office hours. Purchasing should be notified as soon as possible. <br /> <br />Urgent conditions created through poor planning shall be avoided. Situations calling for parts or <br />labor for immediate equipment repairs, elimination of a dangerous condition or similar <br />circumstances, are appropriate uses of purchase order numbers issued prior to the receipt of a <br />formal requisition. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of an Immediate Purchase Order Number and placement of an order, a requisition <br />must be prepared by the department and submitted to the Purchasing Office. This requisition <br />should show the assigned emergency number. Depending on the disposition of the order a <br />printed purchase order mayor may not be issued until the vendor invoice is received in <br />Purchasing indicating the precise charges and tenns. In the case that a printed purchase order is <br />issued, the department will be required to sign the department receiving copy when the goods are <br />received, and forward that copy to Purchasing. In the case that no printed purchase order is <br />issued, the purchase order will be prepared upon receipt of the invoice, with the check enclosed, <br />for the total payment to the vendor. <br />