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<br />" <br /> <br />1. increase or decrease in the quantity of material <br />change in scope of service to be furnished, <br />3. change in the Oliginal price <br />4. change in term, length or other clement of the contract, or <br />5. cancellation of the purchase order <br /> <br />Change orders are initiated by departments in the same manner as the original purchase order. A <br />requisition should be submitted to infom1 the Purchasing Office 0 f the change order <br />requirements. The following information should be provided on the requisition: <br /> <br />1. Original purchase order number, <br />2. Vendor name, <br />3. Change order number sequence, i.e, change order no. 1, etc., <br />4. Description of specific required changes to the original purchase order, <br />5. Complete accountnumber(s) and project code, if any, and <br />6. Authorized signature. <br /> <br />Documentation confinning the change order terms shall accompany all requisitions for change <br />orders. Adequate documentation includes a public works project change order, a letter from a <br />consultant or a revised vendor quotation. Generally, total change order amounts shall not exceed <br />25% of the original purchase order amount. <br /> <br />SOLE SOURCE <br /> <br />A sole source request instructs the Purchasing Offtce to meet a department's requirement <br />exclusively from a single supplier or to bypass competitive bidding when placing an order. <br />Compatibility with existing equipment, accessories or replacement parts from a single source is <br />the primary justification for a sole source purchase A department may also request a sole source <br />to control acquisition to a specific manufacturer's equipment or to avoid a competitive for <br />products or services. vVben this request covers a product or service in excess of $3,000 and <br />requiring infomlal and fonnal competitive bidding, the City Council is requested to approve a <br />waiver of competitive bidding as allowed for in the Municipal Code. <br /> <br />Since the sole source approach eliminates the City's ability to obtain competitive pricing or to <br />negotiate the most favorable terms, it should be avoided to the extent possible <br />