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<br />ACTIA Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Fund Program <br />Cycle 3 Grant Funding Agreement <br /> <br />ACTIA No. A07-0013 <br /> <br />The Final Report shall also include a summary of project funding by fund source and by <br />phase. The amount of funding identified for each phase must correlate with the actual <br />total project costs for each phase. The Final Invoice must be printed on Project Sponsor <br />letterhead and submitted with the Final Report. Final Report shall be submitted in a <br />format consistent with Attachment H: Sample Final Report Format, unless an alternate <br />reporting format is requested by the Project Sponsor in writing and approved in advance <br />by ACTIA. <br /> <br />D. In the event that a Progress Report or the Final Report is not received in a timely <br />manner, ACTIA reserves the right to withhold payment of invoices until the appropriate <br />report is submitted to ACTIA. <br /> <br />6) Project Sponsor will keep all necessary Project records to document Project activities and <br />performance, including documentation of expenses and charges to support invoices submitted <br />to ACTIA and other Project reporting requirements as described in Attachments E, F and G. <br />Project Sponsor will allow ACTIA or its authorized representatives to inspect, audit, and make <br />copies of any Project records related to the performance of this Agreement. Project Sponsor <br />will keep Project records in one central location for a period of one (1) year after ACTIA's <br />final payment of an approved final invoice as required by Section II.4 above. <br /> <br />7) Project Sponsor will acknowledge ACTIA as a funding source and will use or display the <br />approved ACTIA logo so that it is visible to the public: <br /> <br />A. On any capital property purchased with ACTIA funds, or on construction sites where <br />ACTIA funds are used, where applicable and practical. <br /> <br />B. On any printed or electronic material associated with the Project that is distributed to the <br />public. Printed material includes Project-related schedules, brochures, handbooks, or <br />promotional material. Electronic material includes Project-related web sites, electric <br />signs, or e-mail broadcasts. <br /> <br />C. In any Project-related media events, articles, news releases or other publicity materials. <br /> <br />8) Project Sponsor will obtain all state, local and federal permits and approvals for work. Project <br />Sponsor will comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. <br /> <br />9) Project Sponsor will require that all professional services consultants, contractors and <br />subcontractors involved with the Project name ACTIA, its officers, employees and consultants <br />as additional insureds on all insurance required by Project Sponsor for Project. <br /> <br />10) Project Sponsor will arrange for maintenance of the Project at no cost to ACTL\. <br /> <br />11) Project Sponsor will ensure that Alameda County citizens are informed about the Project by <br />doing the following: <br /> <br />A. Project Sponsor will promptly respond to information requests from ACTIA, the <br />Citizens Watchdog Committee (CWC), and the ACTL\ Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory <br />Committee (BP AC) as a means of informing the public of the benefits being derived <br />from the use of the Measure B funds. <br /> <br />B ikePed-Cycle3 -A0700 13 -SanLeandro-S lough Bridge-Final.doc <br /> <br />Page 4 of 19 <br />