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<br />ACTIA Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Fund Program <br />Cycle 3 Grant Funding Agreement <br /> <br />ACTIA No. A07-0013 <br /> <br />Project Sponsor and Project Sponsor does not cure such default. ACTIA will reimburse <br />Project Sponsor for qualifying expenditures in full conformance with this Agreement made <br />until the effective date of the termination. <br /> <br />3) Indemnity: Project Sponsor will indemnify and hold harmless ACTIA, its officers, employees, <br />agents, representatives, consultants, and successors-in-interest against any and all claims, suits <br />or actions arising out of an act or omission of the Project Sponsor or its employees, <br />subcontractors or agents related to or arising out of the Project, except to the extent such <br />claim, suit or action arises out of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of ACTIA. This <br />indemnification will survive expiration or termination of this Agreement. <br /> <br />ACTIA shall indemnify and hold harmless Project Sponsor, its officers, employees, agents, and <br />successors-in-interest against any and all claims, suits or actions arising out of a negligent act or <br />omission by ACTIA in the performance of its duties under this Agreement. <br /> <br />4) Notices: Any notice which may be required under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be <br />effective when received, and shall be given by personal delivery service or first class mail, to <br />the addressees set forth in Attachment D, or to such addressees which may be specified in <br />writing by the parties. <br /> <br />5) Contacts: The persons listed as Contacts in Attachment D will be the first point of contact <br />and act as the liaisons between ACTIA and Project Sponsor with regards to the day-to-day <br />activities of the Project. All reports and correspondence are to be addressed to the specified <br />Contacts. <br /> <br />6) Project Number: All correspondence shall reference the "ACTIA Project Number" specified <br />in Attachment A. <br /> <br />7) Integration: This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the <br />subject matter described in this Agreement, and no representation, warranties, inducements or <br />oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein. <br /> <br />8) Amendment: Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, this Agreement may not be <br />changed, modified, or rescinded except by a writing signed by the parties hereto. Any attempt <br />to modify this Agreement orally will be void and of no effect. The ACTIA and Project <br />Sponsor Contacts as specified in Attachment D may jointly authorize, in writing, any minor <br />schedule revisions, any task description, task deliverable and task budget revisions that do not <br />increase the "Total ACTL\ Funds Awarded to Project" amount shown in Attachment A, or <br />changes to the Project scope of work. Any change in Project scope of work must be approved <br />by ACTL\ prior to implementation of the change by the Project Sponsor. <br /> <br />9) Independent Contractor: Project Sponsor and any party contracting with it renders its service <br />under this Agreement as an independent contractor. None of the Project Sponsor's agents, <br />subcontractors or employees shall be construed as agents or employees of ACTIA. The legal <br />relationship of any person performing services for the Project Sponsor will be solely between <br />that person and the Project Sponsor. This paragraph does not apply to elected officials <br />serving concurrently on the governing boards of both the Project Sponsor and ACTIA. <br /> <br />10) Assignment: This Agreement may not be assigned, transferred, or subcontracted by any party <br />without the express written consent of the other party. <br /> <br />BikePed-Cycle3-A0700 13-SanLeandro-SloughBridge-Final.doc <br /> <br />Page 6 of 19 <br />