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<br />c) Design, construction, and maintenance of existing and newly constructed shoreline levees, <br />outfalls, tide gates, pumps, maintenance roads, bank protection, drainage facilities, and <br />wetland habitats; <br /> <br />d) Design, construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of levees separating the tidal <br />marshlands and open space from the City's 100-acre dredged disposal area, and any <br />remedial actions or improvements associated therewith; <br /> <br />e) Design, construction, and maintenance of levees, weirs, dikes, outfalls, drainage facilities, <br />pumps, flap gates, tide gates, and other improvements necessary to implement that certain <br />plan entitled WESCO Mitigation Plan dated January, 1992 (currently identified as the "RMI <br />Mitigation and Monitoring Plan dated May, 1995" for the Citation Marsh); <br /> <br />f) Any other public improvements customarily financed and maintained through special <br />assessment proceedings, including but not limited to; streets, sidewalks, public rights-of-way, <br />sewers, waterlines, sound walls, traffic signals, signage, streetlights, drains, storm water <br />facilities, parks, landscaping, and lift stations; <br /> <br />g) The sidewalks, landscaping, and sound walls associated with the Lewelling Boulevard <br />extension westerly of Wicks Boulevard through the roundabout westerly of the Southern <br />Pacific railroad tracks; and <br /> <br />h) Portions of the Buffer Zone, which include the Interpretive Center. <br /> <br />2.3. Specific Definitions of the District Improvements <br /> <br />The following definitions shall be applied in their broadest sense when interpreting the foregoing <br />items A through H in Section 2.2, and for using the assessments collected via the Heron Bay <br />Maintenance Assessment District: <br /> <br />a) Shoreline Trail- That trail, constructed on top of various levees, extending from the southerly <br />terminus of the bridge over Estudillo Canal to the northerly terminus of the bridge over San <br />Lorenzo Creek, including all surface pavements, base rock, signage, striping, and the <br />Interpretive Center and Garden. <br /> <br />b) Buffer Zone - A strip of land 50 feet wide adjacent with and along the westerly boundary of <br />Phase 1 B, and a strip of land 100 feet wide adjacent with and along the northerly and <br />westerly boundaries of Phases 2B and 3, including all habitat fencing, landscaping, and <br />irrigation within these strips of land, inclusive of the passive park along a portion of the <br />northerly boundary of Phase 2B and any storm drainage collection systems installed within <br />the Buffer Zone. <br /> <br />c) Tidal Marsh Lands - Those lands known as North Marsh, Bunker Marsh, East Marsh, and <br />Citation Marsh, including Roberts Landing Slough from the San Lorenzo Creek Delta to <br />Estudillo Canal, all perimeter and interior levees, channels, mounds, and uplands, and further <br />including all tidal control structures, weirs, culverts, gates, fences, debris screens, bridges, <br />and all appurtenant features and facilities. <br /> <br />d) Storm Water Lift Station and Detention Pond (SWLS&DP) in Phase 1 A and Storm Water <br />Treatment Pond in Phase 1 B - All landscaping, drainage facilities, structures, fences, walls, <br />gates, access roads, and pathways within the boundaries of the land upon which these <br />facilities are situated, exclusive of the landscaped area, soundwall, and decorative fencing <br />fronting Anchorage Drive near the SWLS&DP, and further exclusive of the landscaped area <br />fronting the street near the Storm Water Treatment Pond. <br /> <br />Heron Bay Maintenance District Annual Report - City of San Leandro <br />Prepared by NBS - Fiscal Year 2007/08 <br /> <br />2-2 <br />