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<br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />July 3, 2007 <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />City Council Rules and Communication Committee <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />John Jermanis ~ <br />City Manager a <br /> <br />SUBJECT: EBRCS Update <br /> <br />Attached for your information is a summary of current status of the cities in Alameda and Contra <br />Costra Counties that have expressed an interest in participating in a Joint Powers Authority <br />(JP A) to acquire and manage an East Bay Regional Communication System (EBRCS). You will <br />note that two of our nearby cities, Alameda and Hayward, have adopted the JP A agreement. <br /> <br />At the last meeting of the Rules and Communication Committee I was asked to contact former <br />City Councilmember and current IT Director for the City of Oakland, Bob Glaze, to determine if <br />Oakland is considering joining the IP A. Bob told me that Oakland has a major investment in <br />their current MayCom-based system and that makes it difficult to change at this time to the <br />EBRCS. Oakland will continue to monitor the progress of the JPA and may consider <br />participation for their Public Safety Departments if there is a way for the JP A to recognize the <br />value of the current Oakland system. Bob expects the Oakland system to be able to communicate <br />with the users of the EBRCS because the radios will be P25 compatible. <br /> <br />It is Bob's opinion that the City of San Leandro has few options other than to join the JPA <br />because of communication linkage requirements of our Police Department with Alameda County <br />Fire and Sheriff. Chief Attarian also told me that direct communication with the County is <br />important because his department relies more on the interdepartmental assistance and backup <br />support from the Sheriff than any of the other neighboring law enforcement agencies. <br /> <br />The City Council approved the Letter of Intent to participate in the EBRCS on April 16, 2007. <br />As referenced in the staff report when the Letter of Intent was approved, the cities that adopt the <br />JP A are under no obligation to remain as a member if the City Council determines the cost to be <br />unacceptable. It is anticipated the JP A will submit an application through the State for federal <br />funding assistance for the EBRCS later this summer. I believe we should join with the other <br />cities and adopt the IP A to have the process move forward since there is no additional financial <br />obligation for the City at this time. <br /> <br />Let me know if you have any questions. <br />