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<br />(8) The policy covers products and completed operations; <br /> <br />(9) The policy covers use of non-owned automobiles; <br /> <br />(10) The coverage shall not be canceled nor materially altered unless thirty (30) days written <br />notice is given to City. <br /> <br />(d) Failure of Coveraqe. Failure, inability or refusal of District to take out and maintain during <br />the entire term of this License any and all of the insurance as aforesaid shall at the option of City constitute <br />a breach of this License and justify immediate termination of the same. <br /> <br />(e) Self Insurance. District has the right and option to self-insure the requirements under this <br />Section 9 upon written notice to City that District assumes the obligations in the place and stead of any <br />insurance carrier, any reference to failure to coverage notwithstanding. <br /> <br />4) The License is hereby amended to delete Section 6. <br /> <br />5) The License is hereby amended to add Section 16 to read as follows: <br /> <br />"16. Revocation of License. This License may be revoked upon the occurrence of <br />either of the following events: <br /> <br />a. Damaqe to Trail. City may revoke this License in the event the Trail, or any <br />portion thereof, is damaged, and City determines that such damage poses a threat to <br />public health and safety. <br /> <br />b. Incompatible Use. In the event City's use of the Trail, or any portion thereof, <br />precludes District's use of any portion or portions of the Trail, City may, upon sixty (60) <br />days prior written notice, revoke this License as to the portion or portions of the Trail <br />required for City's use. Notice shall include a map or drawing identifying the affected <br />area(s). If circumstances necessitate the closing of the trail on the subject property, the <br />City is willing to assist District in its efforts to find an alternative location for the trail. <br /> <br />930896-4 <br /> <br />3 <br />