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<br />Eden Housing Affordable Senior Housing <br /> <br />July 30, 2007 <br />20f6 <br /> <br />OP A, the Regulatory Agreement, the Agency promissory note, and the Agency deed of <br />trust, and authorizing the execution of each such document to which the Agency is a <br />party; (3) authorizing the execution of a Rider to the OP A, the Regulatory Agreement, <br />the Agency Note and the Agency Deed of Trust in the form as and if required by the U.S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which would subordinate the <br />Agency documents to the HUD documents; and (4) authorizing the execution and <br />delivery of such other instruments and the taking of such other actions as necessary to <br />calTY out the intent of the resolution. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />In October 2006, Eden Housing, Inc., (Eden) entered into a purchase agreement with the <br />owner of 2103-2121 East 14th Street, which was formerly the site of the Sir Richard's <br />used car lot. The listing price for the property was $2,420,000, but Eden was able to <br />negotiate a lower price of $2,022,000. Also in Fall 2006, Eden began preliminary <br />discussions with City staff regarding the possibility of funding assistance for the <br />acquisition and new construction of affordable senior rental housing on the site. <br /> <br />Eden was founded in 1968 and is the oldest nonprofit affordable housing developer in the <br />State. The organization's mission involves building "high quality, well managed, service- <br />enhanced, affordable housing communities that meet the needs of lower income families, <br />seniors, and persons with disabilities." It has an affordable housing portfolio of 69 <br />propeliies containing 4,800 units. Eden recently worked with the Agency to acquire and <br />construct Fuller Gardens (2390 East 14th Street), which has 15 rental units for very low- <br />income persons with developmental disabilities. <br /> <br />Eden conducted an initial community meeting on March 7, 2007 in McKinley <br />Elementary School to discuss two affordable senior rental housing options for the site: <br />one for 51 units and the other for 83 units. After considering comments at the March ih <br />meeting and from City staff, Eden determined that the 51 unit option was more feasible <br />and appropriate for the neighborhood. On April 18, Eden held a second community <br />meeting to announce it would proceed with the 51 unit option and also discussed the <br />results of the parking/traffic study it commissioned (and received approval from City <br />Engineering and Transportation staff) which concluded that the proposed 51 unit project <br />would not have any significant parking and traffic impact on the surrounding <br />neighborhood. Beyond the neighborhood meetings, Eden has effectively outreached to <br />the community by meeting individually with local leaders and groups. Eden has also <br />discussed with McKinley Elementary School the possibility of having the senior residents <br />volunteer and mentor the students. <br /> <br />In May 2007, the Agency awarded a $30,000 grant to Eden to help defray the <br />predevelopment expenses. Eden applied the $30,000 grant towards eligible costs such as <br />architectural design, appraisal and a Phase 1 Environmental Report. <br /> <br />As a result of previous uses (i.e., automotive repair) on or near the site in the distant past, <br />Eden had to comply with California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) <br />requirements to develop a Remedial Action W orkplan (RAW) for the site. The draft <br />RA W was made available for public comment from June 15th to July 6th and no written <br />