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8B Consent 2007 0730
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Packet 2007 0730
8B Consent 2007 0730
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7/27/2007 4:44:27 PM
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7/27/2007 4:44:25 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Draft Minutes
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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page 12 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Hillside Geologic Hazard Abatement District, and San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 16, 2007 <br /> <br />the cost of compliance for Skates restaurant with the Berkeley ordinance is 4-5% of <br />gross sales annually, primarily due to the cost of the vacation pay provision. She stated <br />that it is a huge impact on the business. Ms. Miller urged the Council to consider <br />adding language on tip credit to the ordinance, noting that they were involved in <br />litigation with the City of Berkeley over the issue. <br /> <br />Robin Torello, Alameda County Democratic Party, addressed the City Council, <br />commenting that the Party passed a resolution urging the San Leandro City Council to <br />adopt a Living Wage Ordinance. Ms. Torello expressed confidence that the Council <br />and staff would exercise good judgment in granting waivers for the ordinance. Ms. <br />Torello stated that as a resident, she is proud of the City for taking this action and that it <br />is both the right and moral thing to do. <br /> <br />Tom Silva, Rental Housing Owners Association of Southern Alameda County, <br />addressed the City Council, commenting that the RHOA is generally in support of the <br />Living Wage Ordinance, being acutely aware of what it costs to rent housing in the City. <br />Mr. Silva requested that Section 5(b), "City [mancial aid recipients" be clarified as to its <br />intent, and that the term "license" in Section 9 also be clarified. Mr. Silva commented <br />that the RHOA shares the Chamber of Commerce's concern regarding the 90-day <br />worker retention provision in Section 11 (b) and requested that the section be removed <br />from the ordinance. <br /> <br />End of Public Comments on Item 1O.A. <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis commented that staff has attempted to address the issues of greatest <br />concern to the interested parties, and waivers can be granted by the Council if relief is <br />necessary and found to be in the best interest of the public. He clarified the term <br />"licensee" and indicated that the ordinance will be interpreted by the City Manager and <br />City Attorney in a way that ensures its appropriate application. Mr. Jermanis gave <br />further clarification on the 90-day worker retention provision and the consideration of <br />tips in the wage calculation. Mr. Jermanis stated that San Leandro wants to have a <br />living wage ordinance which is comparable to the other cities in Alameda County- <br />Emeryville, Berkeley, Oakland and Hayward. <br /> <br />Ms. Williams suggested that for clarification, the wording in Section 9 be changed from <br />"license" to "license agreement." Ms. Williams indicated that administrative guidelines <br />would be developed to aid in the interpretation and application of the ordinance, and the <br />guidelines could address the operational issues. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos commented on the worker retention provision, stating that he believed it <br />is an important item that should remain in the ordinance to provide workers that are not <br />subject to a collective bargaining agreement with additional protection. <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza commented that she believed the main reason that there are mass <br />employee terminations when new companies take over is wage structure, and that the <br />Living Wage Ordinance itself would keep this from being an issue. Councilmember <br />
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