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<br />X Discourage new uses with potential adverse air quality impacts near residential <br />neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and other locations where public <br />health could potentially be affected (General Plan Policy 31.03) <br /> <br />X Require new development to be designed and constructed in a way that reduces the <br />potential for future air quality problems, such as odors and the emission of any and all <br />air pollutants (General Plan Policy 31.04). This should be done by: <br /> <br />· Require construction and grading practices that minimize airborne dust and <br />particulate matter. <br /> <br />· Ensure that best available control technology is used for operations that could <br />generate air pollutants. <br /> <br />· Encourage energy conservation and low-polluting energy sources. <br /> <br />· Promote landscaping and tree planting to absorb carbon monoxide and other <br />pollutants. <br /> <br />X Ensure prompt response to complaints about odor problems and other potential air <br />quality nuisances and hazards reported by residents and businesses (General Plan <br />Policy 31.05) <br /> <br />x. Promote public education on air quality hazards and the steps that residents can take <br />to help maintain clean air. Continue to participate in the BAAQMD "Spare the Air" <br />program and other programs that increase public awareness of air quality issues <br />(General Plan Policy 31.06). <br /> <br />X Promote the development of infrastructure which supports the use of alternative fuels, <br />i.e., electric vehicles (General Plan Policy 31.09). <br /> <br />X Consider the direction of prevailing winds in the siting of facilities likely to generate <br />smoke, dust, and odors. Ensure that such facilities are sited to minimize the impacts <br />on downwind residential areas and other sensitive uses (General Plan Policy 31.10). <br /> <br />X The City should coordinate with CARB to confirm what feasible and relevant <br />strategies from the EP A Climate and Action Team report would apply to <br />implementation of the Strategy. The City should then identify the appropriate policy <br />framework (e.g., General Plan Amendment or Municipal Ordinance) for adopting <br />these strategies (General Plan EIR Mitigation Measure AQ-2). <br /> <br />X Implement Transportation Control Measure (TCM) #1 to Support Voluntary <br />Employer-Based Trip Reduction Programs by encouraging existing businesses within <br />close proximity to BART to adopt TDM or TMA strategies and employer-sponsored <br />financial and non-financial incentives for alternative modes of business travel and <br />flexible work schedules. <br /> <br />X Implement TCM #9 to Improve Bicycle Access and Facilities by seeking <br />opportunities for pedestrian and bicycle improvements whenever improvements to <br /> <br />4 <br />