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<br />FOCUSING OUR VISION (FOCUS) PROGRAM <br />Application for Priority Development Area Designation <br /> <br />Part4-MAPOF PRIORITY DEVElOPMENl' AREA <br /> <br />Attach a map showing the proposed boundaries of the potential priority area and any other relevant information for land <br />uses, transit, etc. Photos of current conditions in the priority area are optional. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Type below or attach separately a maximum two-page (8% x 11 with 12 point font) narrative that addresses the following <br />questions and provides any other relevant information. <br /> <br />· What is the overall vision for this area? <br />· What has to occur in order to fully realize this vision? What has occurred there recently (past 5 years)? Describe <br />relevant planning processes, and how the needs of community members were addressed. <br />· Describe how this priority area has the potential to be a leading example of smart growth for the Bay Area. <br /> <br />Apri12007 <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br />