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<br />Part 5 - Bay Fair Transit Village - Narrative <br /> <br />Caltrans awarded BART a Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant to conduct a <br />station area plan around the Bay Fair BART Station. The Plan would provide a vision and <br />framework for Transit-Oriented Development (TaD) opportunities, as well as identify <br />and recommend access improvements. BART and the City of San Leandro also <br />contributed funding for this study. <br /> <br />The study area borders the City of San Leandro and the unincorporated Alameda County <br />area of Ashland and includes the Bay Fair BART Station, Bayfair Center, and East 14th <br />Street and Hesperian Boulevard corridors. Because of its multi-jurisdictional location and <br />complex land and access issues, BART prepared the Bay Fair BART TaD and Access <br />Plan in partnership with the City, County, Caltrans, Bayfair Center and AC Transit. <br /> <br />This area has exciting possibilities as a transit-oriented retail and residential destination. <br />The public policy framework set forth by the City, County, BART and AC Transit favors <br />the creation of an environment at Bay Fair Station area that is higher density, mixed-use <br />and promotes pedestrian, bicycle and transit activities. This framework is further guided <br />by the project Goals and Objectives to make the Bay Fair Station area "a great place" that <br />is attractive and safe; improve connections to jobs, services and transit; provide a range <br />of housing options and foster fiscal and economic growth. <br /> <br />Through BART's Strategic Plan and TaD Policy, the transit agency is looking at creative <br />ways to enhance its financial base. One strategy is to work with local jurisdictions, <br />developers and community to build TaD projects on available BART properties. These <br />projects would help BART achieve two goals: (1) receive a revenue stream that would <br />help fund BART operations to maintain on-time service, focus efforts to clean stations <br />and vehicles, and upgrade the 35-year old transit system; and (2) grow ridership without <br />significant physical infrastructure investments. <br /> <br />The II-month planning process included frequent consultation with private and public <br />stakeholders. The Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) was formed to provide technical <br />input, while the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) was established to provide higher <br />level policy guidance. Four TAC meetings and three PAC meetings were held. The TAC, <br />PAC and consultant team identified and evaluated the following key issues that informed <br />the overall plan development: <br /> <br />· Lack of direct connections from BART to Bayfair Center, Hesperian Boulevard <br />and East 14th Street creates access and development challenges; <br />· Physical barriers such as Estudillo Canal, Union Pacific (UP) and BART tracks <br />also create access and development challenges; <br />· Bayfair Center tenant lease agreements to maintain customer parking are critical <br />to the shared parking discussions; <br />· Projected area growth, future BART expansions and the City's desire to reduce <br />parking in Downtown San Leandro are crucial in the discussion and decision for <br />BART replacement parking. Bay Fair BART Transit-Oriented Development <br />(TaD) & Access Plan; <br />