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<br />! b. Total Housing Units (Best Estimate) <br /> <br />FOCUSING OUR VISION (FOCUS) PROGRAM <br /> <br />A plication for Priori Oevelo ment Area Oesi nation <br /> <br />a. Types of Zoning in Priority Area Commercial: Commercial South Area - 1 District: Palma District <br />(land uses and densities) Downtown, Commercial (Between San Leandro Blvd. & 141st <br />Regional Mall, Commercial Ave.) with an emphasis on Mixed-use <br />Community, Commercial with First Floor Neighborhood-Serving <br />Neighborhood, Commercial Retail and International & Cultural <br />Service, Commercial Recreation; District (Between 141 st & Lillian <br />North Area - 1, North Area - 2, Avenue) with an emphasis on Mixed- <br />South Area 1, South Area - 2, use with First Floor Retail and <br />South Area - 3, Professional Residential Above; South Area - 2 <br />Office; Public: Public and Semi- District: McKinley Residential District <br />Public; Open Space; School (Between Sybil Avenue & San Leandro <br />Uses; Residential: Residential Blvd.) with an emphasis on Residential <br />Single-Family, Residential or Residential with Community Uses on <br />Duplex, Residential Multiple 800, the First Floor; and South Area - 3 <br />2000, 2500, and 3000; and District: Gateway District (Between <br />Industrial: Industrial Limited, Lillian & 150th Avenues) with an <br />Industrial Park, Public and Semi- emphasis on Mixed-use with First Floor <br />Public. Density ranges from 8.7 Retail and Residential AboveSouthern <br />to 29 dwelling units per gross Downtown District (Between Maud & <br />acre. Sybil Avenues) with an emphasis on <br />Mixed-use with First-Floor Retail. <br /> <br />4,653 <br /> <br />Source: South Area Devt. Strategy <br />Includes South Area Figures Only <br /> <br />3,765 <br />Source: 2000 Census <br />Includes South Area Figures <br />Only <br />54,000 (2000 Census) <br /> <br />60,760 (2015 ABAG Proj.) <br /> <br />c. Total Jobs (Best Estimate) <br /> <br /> <br />Part.3 -ADDITfONAlARt;A1NFO.,MA:TfON <br /> <br /> <br />Yes No <br />a. Is the proposed priority area currently recognized in the General Plan (Le., called out as TOD, infill etc.)? cgJ 0 <br />b. Have other plans (any targeted planning efforts including specific plans, precise plans, area plans, and <br />supporting environmental studies) been developed within the last 15 years that cover the priority area? cgJ 0 <br />Note: If yes, please attach brief list of individual planning efforts and date completed. <br />c. Is the proposed priority area within the boundaries of a redevelopment area? cgJ 0 <br /> <br />April 2007 <br /> <br />Page 2 of4 <br />