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<br />Part 5 - East 14th Street - Narrative <br /> <br />Overall Vision: A number of progressive planning and revitalization efforts are well <br />underway along the East 14th Street corridor throughout the City of San Leandro. To the <br />south, the East 14th Street South Area Development Strategy (April, 2004) presents an <br />assessment of needs and opportunities as a result of the City's public participation process <br />addressing revitalization efforts on the southern sections of East 14th Street. The primary <br />intent of the Development Strategy for the future of the East 14th Street South Area sets <br />forth a series of land use districts, each with a different character and focus, to identify <br />opportunity sites for possible future development activities. A corresponding set of <br />Design Guidelines for development on private properties address development <br />regulations such as building height, bulk, and setbacks, as well as fa<;ade design, entry <br />features, signage and open space treatments. The overall vision for the East 14th Street <br />South area is to tranform what currently exists as a relatively unbroken strip of <br />commercial land uses into a series of mixed-use districts. A more pedestrian- and transit- <br />friendly environment is a vital component of the overall plan, as is the accommodation of <br />high quality, multi-family housing along this important north-south corridor of the City. <br /> <br />Implementation of the MTC-funded and award-winning East 14th Street South Area <br />Development Strategy is occuring throughout the East 14th Street area by the associated <br />South Area zoning regulations that have already been codified. Corresponding fa<;ade <br />improvements that serve to improve the physical appearance of properties along this <br />corridor is another component of implementation of the Strategy. Additionally, the City <br />of San Leandro has already begun streetscape improvements along portions of East 14th <br />Street as a first important step towards improving the appearance of the street. These <br />improvements include visual improvements to the corridor, as well as pedestrian <br />crosswalk and sidewalk improvements that were suggested during the public participation <br />process. The City will also undertake the undergrounding of utilities in this area. <br /> <br />The North Area Specific Plan and Revitalization Manual (January 1991) is guiding <br />development and redevelopment efforts along the northern section of this significant <br />thoroughfare with an exciting combination of mixed-use development, active commercial <br />center, and Civic Center uses, the latter of which is featured as an important City <br />landmark along East 14th Street. <br /> <br />Realization of the Vision: In the North Area, city officials, North Area merchants <br />associations, and individuals worked together to establish the elements of the North Area <br />Revitalization Program. In order to realize the vision of the plan, the guiding document <br />was the Specific Plan and Revitalization Manual, which is the central policy component <br />of the Program. This manual has been guiding the community's vision for revitalization <br />since its inception in 1991, with many of the physical improvements and major <br />development and redevelopment projects becoming a reality just within the last several <br />years along East 14th Street. This policy framework has set forth development standards <br />and design guidelines that have spurred design changes to existing buildings, and have <br />created the impetus on vacant and underutlized sites to create an attractive boulevard <br />connecting the northern entry to the City to downtown San Leandro and points south. As <br />