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<br />for Homeownership (WISH) program on June 1, 2006. The program includes credit <br />counseling. WISH is a Federal Home Loan Bank down payment assistance program <br />designed to assist qualified low-income homebuyers who are saving for their down <br />payments. The program recruits and prepares qualified homebuyers to receive matching <br />forgivable loans from one of the participating member banks. BAHBA counseled nine <br />households in FY06-07. The City's FTHB Program is funded solely with <br />Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside Funds. <br /> <br />. Two homebuyer loans were approved in FY2006-07 under the City's First-Time <br />Homebuyer down payment/closing loan program to allow two moderate-income families <br />to purchase homes. One other family purchased a below-market rate home, too, through <br />a Resale Agreement. <br /> <br />. City staff sponsored and provided three homebuyer counseling seminars for potential <br />first-time buyers. Local mortgage lenders, realtors, appraisers, escrow officers, and home <br />inspectors helped teach the seminars. Eighty-five (85) people received certificates of <br />completion, an 86% increase in enrollment compared to FY2005-06. Feedback has been <br />very positive about these seminars. <br /> <br />. Inclusionary Housing Program <br /> <br />. In FY2006-07, there was one development project, Willows Condominiums, which <br />entered into an Inclusionary Housing Agreement (IHA) with the City that will be <br />providing a total of 18 affordable units: seven low-income and 11 moderate-income. <br />Two eligible households from the City's wait list purchased below-market rate units at <br />the Toscani Place and Greenbrier Court developments, both of which were required to <br />provide one inclusionary unit each for moderate-income households through executed <br />IHAs in FY2005-06. <br /> <br />Objective: Create Suitable Livin2 Environment <br /> <br />Priority # 4. Reduce housing discrimination. <br /> <br />Activities: <br />. Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing (ECHO) <br />The City contracted with ECHO Housing, a regional non-profit fair housing agency, to <br />provide fair housing services through CDBG funds. ECHO received 32 fair housing <br />inquiries. ECHO educated people about fair housing laws, rights and responsibilities using <br />various methods. <br /> <br />. ECHO investigated 31 complaints of alleged housing discrimination involving 77 <br />prospective tenants. ECHO provided counseling services to all households. Sixteen <br />cases involved race, 10 involved disability, four involved familial status (children in <br />the family), and one involved arbitrary discrimination. Below were the outcomes: <br />· Nine cases were counseled and referred to the Department of Fair <br /> <br />Final Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY2006-2007 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 6 <br />