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<br /> IMPEDIMENTS ACTIONS PLANNED ACCOMPLISHMENTS <br /> age 85+. Significant gap b. Respond to public inquiries Resource Center (DSFRC) to assist <br /> between rents regarding affordable housing with affordable housing inquiries. <br /> "affordable" to low- units. DSFRC provided 2,040 phone referrals <br /> income households and and customized information packets <br /> market rents. for 96 walk-in clients. City staff <br /> responded to 172 phone inquiries and <br /> walk-in visitors and provided these <br /> people affordable housing information <br /> packets: Of these 172 requests, 41 <br /> seniors received additional information <br /> relevant to their special needs. There <br /> are over 30 City staff who are able to <br /> help translate 13 different languages <br /> when necessary, and one who can use <br /> sign language. Staff also have access to <br /> AT&T's Language Line Service. <br /> c. The City contracted with DSFRC to <br /> monitor and recruit tenants for its BMR <br /> units. DSFRC provided 84 BMR <br /> c. Preserve below-market rate referrals and placed 31 tenants in the <br /> (BMR) units via desk monitoring City's BMR units. DSFRC made 5 <br /> and site visits. Build affordable BMR site visits and contacted many <br /> housing units. other properties. DSFRC maintains a <br /> current City and County vacancy list. <br /> City staff reviewed quarterly/annual <br />I compliance reports and tenant <br /> certifications for these BMR units. <br /> . <br /> 3. Changes to a. Make the permit approval a. The City consolidated plan checking <br /> approvals/permit process easier and more by collecting permit information in the <br /> processing requirements. convenient. Planning/Building Dept. and disbursing <br /> this information to other departments to <br /> consolidate comments into one package <br /> for applicants. Plans are underway to <br /> move fire department inspectors and <br /> plan checkers to the Building Dept. to <br /> streamline plan checking and the <br /> inspection process. <br /> b. Consider adoption of b. A 27-member Citizen Advisory <br /> Committee (CAe) was created in <br /> Downtown Transit-Oriented January of 2006. Following a 20-month <br /> Development (TOD) Strategy to planning effort, a TOD Strategy is <br /> increase transit ridership in nearing adoption. The CAC held 10 <br /> Downtown San Leandro area. This meetings between 1/06 and 5/07. <br /> would increase residential Three Community meetings, with over <br /> densities in the downtown area. 240 area residents in attendance, were <br /> New residential development also held. The TOD Strategy, <br /> <br />Final Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY2006-2007 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 16 <br />